Kev's Friends

Welcome to the first edition of "Kev's Friends!" "Kev" (that's me) has been fortunate to develop and maintain some pretty special friendships throughout the years. Once a month, "Kev's Corner" will feature one of "Kev's" special friends (until he has exhausted them all and then he will feature "Kev's Men," a section devoted to guys "Kev" has slept with).
Because this is the FIRST edition of "Kev's Friends," I thought it befitting to write about the person that I have known the longest...My dear friend, JoAnn W. JoAnn and I grew up near one another and met in Middle School. Because we were both exceptionally gifted, we had many of the same classes together (language arts, P.E., choir and lunch). Again, I can't emphasize enough, we were gifted. I still remember JoAnn back then - bright-eyed, full of energy, always talking, always making me laugh. In her 30-something years, JoAnn has not changed in that respect.
JoAnn, who I sometimes refer to as "Princess," (not because she is rich or spoiled, but because she is just so dear to me) is the younger sister I wished I had. Being the "younger sister," however, she always knew how to push my buttons, often with just a look.
JoAnn stuck with me throughout the times I held "Sunday School" for classmates, quoting from the Bible, as we waited in the cold for our school bus. Whenever someone would swear, "Kev" would pull out his Bible (it's true) and remind them that Jesus didn't use curse words, and neither should they (see "Campus Life Years" or "Cult For Kevie" in future post). JoAnn also reminds me of the time I would arrive at that same bus stop wearing a scarf tied like an ascot inside my "Members Only" jacket (see "Thespian Years" in future post). JoAnn is the kind of friend that will NEVER let you take yourself too seriously.
Fun JoAnn "factoid" - JoAnn grew up with and in the house right next door to Billy Corgan of the "Smashing Pumpkins."
In the early days, I also spent a considerable amount of time at JoAnn's home with JoAnn and her parents. I quickly learned that her parents, Carole and Ed, played a BIG part in making JoAnn so WONDERFUL. While this is "Kev's Friends" and not "Kev's Friends Parents," I would just like to say that I adore them both (and also consider them "Kev's Friends"). Ed is a real "man's man" who NEVER made me feel ashamed of being gay. Carole ALWAYS, to this day, makes me feel "special" (not retarded). Carole is to cooking as DaVinci is to art. She is very cute and fun and I just love her. To them, I say "THANK YOU" for being my friend and for creating one of my very BEST friends.
Back to JoAnn. (This is, after all, supposed to be about her and I know she won't appreciate ANY deviation.) JoAnn was a consistent presence in my "coming out" years. She actually even took it upon herself to tell all the girls I had dated that I was gay. In hindsight, THANK YOU! I wasn't sure how to tell them myself. JoAnn and I also worked together at The Drake Hotel (the one in OakBrook, not the nice one downtown). After long hours of hard labor, JoAnn and I would head to "Boys Town" (Chicago's gay neighborhood) where, "the world was our oyster," or at least a really fun place to meet LOTS of wacky people. Our favorite club was "Christopher Street" (which is now called, "Manhole"). When JoAnn was with me, we often got in for free and were given free drinks to boot (we weren't even 21). I should mention that we always designated who would drink and who would drive (or drink less). We were responsible under-age drinkers. Back then we danced to the sounds of Madonna ("Material Girl"), Rick Astley ("Never Gonna Give You Up"), Whitney Houston ("I Wanna Dance With Somebody") and we even MET the Pet Shop Boys, whose manager called "Kev" the very next day (yes, he wanted to "sex Kev up"). JoAnn met Harry Belafonte's son. It was a very exciting and fun time. Everybody LOVED JoAnn (she usually left with more phone numbers than I did) and most nights I had to tell JoAnn when it was time to go. I will never forget exploring "Little Jim's" with JoAnn..."Little Jim's" is a really nasty, dirty, leather bar where old men smoke, drink and watch gay porn. Girls don't usually go to "Little Jim's" (neither did "Kev"). JoAnn and I meandered through one night. Instead of the required leather attire, JoAnn wore her turned-up collar Izod and penny loafers and Kev wore something as equally '80's. We laughed and laughed until we couldn't take the glares and stares we were receiving. Good times. (I did try to shield JoAnn from seeing the gay porn...)
I don't recall the year, I refer to it as our "Entertainment Book" phase, (remember those two-for-one coupon books) when JoAnn met a fella named Scott. Scott lived in Villa Park, which was the wrong side of the tracks if you had asked me (although that is the same town Kev's FIRST BF, Randy, lived in. He WAS from the wrong side of the tracks, which made him exciting). JoAnn mentioned that Scott was in the computer business and created computer games. I wondered, "what kind of future can you have with a guy who plays computer games?" I am going to have a real career as a Social Worker. Low and behold, Scott and JoAnn's relationship progressed and they eventually married (isn't that romantic).
In 1994, Scott and JoAnn "welcomed" their first child, Grace. (Why do we say "welcomed" when a child is born? This seems strange to me, like we're meeting a foreign exchange student at the airport. "Long-Wu, WELCOME to AMERICA!") JoAnn was my first friend to have a child and "Kev" was at the hospital that July night. Their second child, Joey, was born three years later. JoAnn's children are like my niece and nephew. Both talented, smart, and fun. They are also well-behaved and DO NOT get on my nerves like most children do. I love them.
JoAnn and Scott are amazing people, parents and citizens of their community. It is difficult to put into words how FABULOUS they are and there isn't enough room in cyber space to recount the MANY fun times I have had with JoAnn and her family.
These days, JoAnn is the PRESIDENT of the P.T.A. and valued member of the neighborhood Bunco team (which "Kev" has sat in on as a sub). She, like her mother, is a WICKED cook and makes the most "righteous" cookies. We speak to one another often and she still makes me laugh hysterically. She has an uncanny wit and is really one of the funniest people I have ever met (I have begged her to write something for this blog). She is the most dedicated wife and mother, ever. Her home is welcoming and inviting and I never want to leave when I am visiting.
To Princess, what can I say? Thank you for 26 years of friendship! You're the best. I absolutely treasure you...
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