Thursday, April 19, 2007

Something To Talk About

Hey YOU! It's a NEW day. It's THURSDAY!

You probably know by now that Sanjaya Malakar, controversial no-talent Idol contestant, was voted off the show last night after butchering one of my favorite Bonnie Raitt songs. (If you are ever in Chicago, visit "The Baton" on Clark Street. They have the BEST drag queens in the world. While I have not been there in several years, I understand that "Chili Pepper" STILL performs, "Something To Talk About." He/she will really "razzle-dazzle" you, knock your socks off - unlike Sanjaya.

Anyway, FAREWELL (scram, scoot, get outta here) Sanjaya! (It was long overdue.)

Some issues really "grind my gears," "get my manties up in a bunch," basically just piss me off, etc...

This issue divides our country and folks on both sides of the debate are very passionate in their position.

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Federal Abortion Ban. Here is some information about the ban from the official Planned Parenthood website...

When President Bush signed the federal abortion ban in 2003, PPFA, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (PPGG), the Center for Reproductive Rights, the National Abortion Federation and the American Civil Liberties Union challenged it in federal district courts around the country. Leading ob/gyns at major medical institutions testified against the ban because it would prevent them from providing the care that is best to protect their patients' health. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Nurses Association and many other medical groups oppose the federal ban. Until now, every court that examined the ban struck it down because, among other things, it fails to protect women's health.

"Kev" is, if you haven't guessed, "Pro-Choice." While I will never personally be affected by this legislation, and understand it evokes strong feelings for those with religious convictions, I think it is "dangerous" when a government dictates what a person can/can't do with their body (and life).

I do not believe abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but would not want George Bush, Clarence Thomas, or John Roberts making these personal life decisions on my behalf. The same people who are "Pro-Life" also promote the "right to bear arms." Any crazy who wants a gun can get one. This week's events in Virginia are a perfect example of that. This seems mixed up to me.

As an "aside," for those of you who know "gay culture," you've seen the universal gay "rainbow flag." Gays also have "flags" to signify other things, including those with a leather fetish. I suppose it's a secret "code" to help locate one another. (Not that I know ANYTHING about that - I don't. Honestly.) Oddly enough, the "flag" (which is prominently displayed as a bumper sticker) for those who are "pro guns" (I don't know the official name of their organization) is super similar to the gays who are into leather (which is also prominently displayed as a bumper sticker). When I moved to Atlanta, I was AMAZED at the number of people who were "into" leather (people you wouldn't even suspect - ladies out shopping with their children, etc.) I would think, "Her? Really? Him too?" Just hundreds of people with this "Hey, LOOK AT ME! I'm into leather" stickers. Then I learned that those people (with this bumper sticker) are actually "pro guns" and did NOT have a leather fetish (again, the name of the "pro gun" people escapes me, and it isn't the NRA). I cracked myself up when I realized my confusion. I searched high and low for both flags/bumper stickers so you too could see the similarity, and understand my confusion, but couldn't find either. You will have to trust me on this one.

That's all I have today folks. I hope that wherever you stand on the issues, including leather, that you have a GREAT Thursday.

Hugs and Kisses -



Anonymous Anonymous said...

just don't tell me that this leather picture is another underwear ad!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Kev said...

Um, I think that came from an ad for gay porn. Not certain, but that would be my hunch.

11:32 AM  

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