Sunday, December 14, 2008

If You Ever Did Believe

It's SUNDAY friends!

As mentioned here last week, Fleetwood Mac will begin touring in March and yours truly is very excited. What does this mean to you? Well, it means that I will be mentioning it/writing about it, posting pictures and videos from now until the tour ends. (You've been forewarned. I know many of you LOVE my incessant mentioning of Stevie Nicks...)

The tour is titled "Unleashed" and will simply be highlighting their greatest hits (no new material to my knowledge). I am going to be honest... I thought the title of the tour, "Unleashed," was a little funny. Let's face it, we are all getting older here. Old dogs don't need to be leashed. (They are slow and will basically follow you wherever you go/never stray too far.) Now the "Cheetah Girls" could call their tour "Unleashed" I think.

Okay, that's all for today.

Have a GREAT Sunday!



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