
Phor my phriends in Phoenix...
As you know, "Kev" lived in Phoenix for a combined period of phive years. By the way - I LOVE talking about myself in the third person. Try it - you will love it too! Phor those of you that don't live there, they (the local government) require residents to replace all words that begin with "F" with "Ph," as sort of an homage to the city...They actually teach this in the schools which is probably why Arizona has some of the dumbest kids in the country*, after the state of Georgia, of course. *This excludes any of YOUR children, whom are, without a doubt, Einsteins. I am simply referring to published statistics.
Phoenix is one of the most beautiful cities I have been to. The sky is full of stars (and police helicopters). I consider Phoenix a second home, which makes sense because most second homes are burglarized when left unattended, as my Phoenix home was when I was at work (see future post titled "Brutal Home Invasion"). Anyway, I digress...Although I no longer live there, Phoenix holds MANY memories for "Kev." Phoenix was the first city I moved to when I left my hometown of Chicago 10 years ago. I phormed phriendships that have been long standing (as well as met many phreaks whom I phorget.)
Phoenix is the birth place of Stevie Nicks and Stevie still maintains a home in Paradise Valley (on Yucca Drive, in a gated community called "Finestere," but you can't knock on her door because she will have you arrested). "Kev" was able to drive past Stevie's home one time when a lesbian friend who worked for UPS let "Kev" ride along on her route one day. "Kev" was in uniform and everything. Although there were no packages for Stevie that day, it was the closest I got to her home and it was VERY exciting. Many of Stevie's desert songs are about Phoenix and her town of Paradise Valley (unless she is singing about the Gulf or Iraq wars, which also contain desert references and the senseless loss of young life associated with war).
The intent of this post was to discuss that the Phoenix police announced on Phriday that they have apprehended two suspects in Mesa, Arizona, who are the alleged serial killers responsible for killing six people and wounding 18 others since May of 2005.
This is PHABULOUS news and "Kev" is relieved.
To my phriends in Phoenix, you continue to be in my thoughts daily...and I miss you.
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