Black Thunder

They say if you love something, let it go...If it comes back to you, then it was meant to be. If it doesn't, well, I can't remember what happens if it doesn't? I think this is a Chinese proverb or something. It's sort of stupid if you think about it and I don't really understand it.
"Kev" is in "mourning" this evening... Today was a day of loss and new beginnings, so to speak...
"Kev" isn't referring to the lost love of a man (I am SO over Leo DiCaprio, although I CAN'T WAIT to see his new movie due out next month) but something far greater...The loss of a car...A really nice one...As some of you may know, "Kev" and friend Deborah went out shopping one day last March and both bought "matching" (wink wink) cars...Deborah got a new, sleek Honda Accord and "Kev" got a 2005 Mercedes C230 Kompressor...It was love at first sight. Our love affair (mine and the cars) was quite explosive, unlike anything I had ever known. Then, shortly into the relationship, things started to go wrong (like the stereo and then the sun roof). We tried to work through our rough patches, but then "Kev" learned the car needed new tires and a break job. The cup holder broke. "Kev" felt betrayed. The car was, really, high maintenance. The message board on the dash revealed something new everyday like, "Pull over NOW - I need OIL" or "I need new breaks - TODAY" "I am ready for SERVICE!" and "LOVE ME - You never spend enough time with ME (OK, I made that one up). I saw where this relationship was going and "Black Thunder" (I always name my car the color that it is and then the word "Thunder" because I like the word "Thunder" - it's mysterious, like my cars) was taking me to the cleaners (literally too...). The car changed "Kev" a bit..Yes, someone hit "Kev," while parked, and "Kev" went ballistic. "Kev" (this is when I like talking in third person, because "I" didn't do it, "Kev" did) called him a stupid mother-father and told him to learn how to drive. Had this happened in my previous car, also "Black Thunder," "Kev" would have said, "It's OK friend, these things happen. Lest you worry, let's swap insurance information. Today is a beautiful day." (Very civil, right?) Anyway, it was all getting to be too much so, "Kev" made the painful decision of parting ways with "Black Thunder"... If the Chinese proverb, that I don't understand, is true, perhaps I will wake up tomorrow and Black Thunder will be back in my parking spot.. Because I really did love that car...
So, tonight's post is dedicated to Black Thunder...I will miss you... And to Silver Thunder, my new 2006 sassy Accord, may the road rise up to meet us as we travel many a mile together...And may the road rise up to meet you too, in whatever you drive.
Until tomorrow...
Congratulations, Kev! You and Silver Thunder will be very happy together. Did you get XM radio? Check out channel 150 - you won't be sorry. Hi Ho (not you, silly!) Silver!
Hi Princess!
Yes, I have XM radio - a very small consulation for giving up the Mercedes..I miss the car like a parent would a child..But that's exactly why I got rid of it (because I don't like children!) HA HA Of COURSE I love children, I am just being silly. Can't wait to see you in TWO weeks!!
Hey Kev, Sorry about the car! I know you will miss the former Black Thunder. Honda's run forever so you'll be very happy the new Black Thunder. My dear friend Rox has had Black Betty and now Violet Veronica. When we were in the islands and out partying late, any time we said "Hey Rox, do you need a ride". She would always say... I'm good, Black Betty konws the way home. lol
You kids and your car names. Hope you have a much better experience.
as my grandma would say, "drive it in good health". i think that meant, "don't crash".
I've actually renamed my new car "Stupid Bastard" because it just isn't Black Thunder...I even feel like scratching it...But, hopefully, in the long run, it was a sensible decision.
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