Welcome Back To The Corner!

First, I must admit that I pulled the BLOG in haste when I thought it was the source resulting in a not-so-nice email to my Grandmother regarding her eBay items (which was so NOT cool, because she sells high quality merchandise). Turns out, the source of that email has been determined as a former online Scrabble player who ALWAYS lost to my Grandmother (a real, well, you can fill in a derogatory word of your choice, but I choose "wanker" because it's British, and, well, I love the British) and not a "Kev's Corner" reader... So this SOB is a real friggin' (insert your word here or use mine, which is again, "wanker").
The incident, however, has forced "Kev" to reflect on what is and isn't appropriate to share on a public BLOG and future posts will reflect that, i.e., I have removed my phone number and those of yours that I had posted... "Kev" has also decided that it may not be possible to share something witty, clever or note-worthy each and every day. It is a LOT of pressure, again, like being Miss America, and he simply does not have that kind of time. "Kev" has been asked, OK, warned, to stop "blogging" during office hours, although his coworkers LOVED "DinnerBack," "Kev's" rip off of Justin Timberlake's new hit, "SexyBack," especially when performed live with a few dance steps.
In closing, our goal is to make "Kev's Corner" a place you will want to stop in every now and again, just to "sit a spell," perhaps once a week. Use your good judgment - you wouldn't stop in at a neighbor's house unannounced every day, now would you? (And please...take off your shoes.)
Remember - your comments, content corrections and ideas are ALWAYS welcomed here at the "Corner".
Glad you're back!
Thanks! I am glad you are back too!
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