Dinner With Deb(orah)

"Kev" mentioned in a previous post that he often, as a young gay man, would relate significant life experiences to certain Stevie Nicks songs. (Isn't this "dramatic?") Turns out, even as an old(er) man, he still does this and today is no exception...
In "No Spoken Word," (from 1985's "Rock A Little") Stevie sings of "that August dark, dark day - with the wind and the rain and the water." Seems appropriate on this first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which touched land in the U.S. in the early morning hours of August 29th, 2005.
As everyone knows, the impact and devastation of Hurricane Katrina was TREMENDOUS. While our hearts here at "Kev's Corner" (OK, there is only one heart here, mine) go out to everyone impacted, today's post will not be about Katrina and her aftermath, but about my Atlanta-based friend, Deborah, who was born and raised in New Orleans.
Deborah asked that I protect her anonymity, so in honoring that request, I will simply refer to her as "Deb" for the remainder of this post (that should do it, don't you think, "Deb?"). The photo above is also NOT "Deb" but a gal who looks suspiciously LIKE "Deb...
Deborah (damn it, I mean "Deb") and I met in April of 2005 while working for the same company. Deb is a former professional figure skater and even skated for the "Ice Capades." (Isn't that EXCITING!) I told her that among the gays, she is "royalty" like Elton John, the Queer Eye Guys, Kathy Griffin, and of course, "Kev" (OK, I made that last one up). Deb has shared the "Behind the Music" version of this seemingly delightful life experience that makes Tonya Harding look like Dakota Fanning.
Deb and "Kev" have dinner together a couple of times each week, our own supper club, of sorts, so she knew she would appear on "Kev's Corner" at one time or another. While I would like to share "Deb's Secrets" (they are far more interesting), I can tell you that Deb and I often talk about work (how to escape the rat race), and matters of the heart (i.e., guys that have crushed our hearts or stolen our wallets). Deb has noticed that "Kev" most always wears his "cap" (or uniform, as Deb calls it) when he is not working. Deb suggested we open a new club called "CAPS" where all patrons are required to where a hat. We tossed about the idea of themed nights where customers would wear a certain type of hat, such as a beret on "French Night" or yamaca on "Jewish Night"... Deb would (wo)man the door and when someone would appear without a cap, thus violating the dress code, Deb would kindly suggest, "Perhaps you would feel more comfortable in this," as she handed them a cap ("Kev" thought that was brilliant and STILL laughs at Deb saying this..). We think the concept is winning and are currently seeking investors.
Deb also likes to shop (notice her in front of Tiffany's New York with the big grin on her face).
Deb is also a HUGE animal lover and is "mom" to her Labrador, Avery. Or, to protect his anonymity, "Bo Bavery" (I LOVED the "Name Game" didn't you? SHIRLEY! Shirley, Shirley, mo ver ey, fin nana rama bo ver ey, mi my mo ver ey, SHIRLEY! I am not sure if I am remembering this correctly, but it also reminds me of my third grade teacher, Mrs. Shirley True. I remember her asking me to do something once and I replied, "Surely, Shirley!" She didn't appreciate my clever use of alliteration and sent me to the hall. Shirley, I learned, has since passed away, but I STILL think about her whenever I play the "Name Game," which, is well, never. LINCOLN!
To Deb - Thank you for being a friend... All of us here at "Kev's Corner" (again, just me) are sorry that Hurricane Katrina destroyed your childhood home and hometown.
As I often tell you...
"If you wake up and don't want to smile, if it takes just a little while, open your eyes and look at the day, you will see things in a different way. Don't stop thinking about tomorrow, Deborah. Don't stop, it will soon be here. It will be here, better than before. Yesterday's gone, yes, yesterday is gone. Why not think about times to come. If your life was bad to you, just think what tomorrow will do. All I want is to see YOU smile, Deborah. If it takes just a little while. I know you don't believe that it's true. Hurricane Katrina never meant any harm to you. Don't you look back."
(Courtesy of Fleetwood Mac's, "Don't Stop")
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