Frank & Violet

Today is a "special" day here at "Kev's Corner." A day of rememberance and gratitude. Those of you who know "Kev" know the immense love and appreciation "Kev" has for his Grandparents, Frank and Violet. Honestly, "Kev" would not be the "fabulous" person that he is without the love and acceptance they have given me throughout my life. To me, they are "rock stars" (without the crazy antics, endless sex capades and drug abuse that often plagues rock stars...).
Let me tell you a little bit about Violet... First, however, there would be no "Kev" if it weren't for Violet. You might be reading "Michael," "James" "David" or "Linda's" Corner (all popular choices back in 1967). In our (OK, "my") maiden post, we, again, I, gave credit to London-based friend, Jean, for naming "Kev's Corner" (thanks mate). However, the credit should actually be given to (or at least equally shared with) Violet... Sorry Jean. "Kev" giveth and "Kev" taketh away. You see, my Grandma selected BOTH my first and middle names, which is just quite special to me.
Violet is one of the smartest, cutest, most talented people I know (and I am not just saying that because she is my Grandma and also makes the best fudge in the world... It is all true and can be substantiated). When I was "Little Kev" (yes, that was actually a childhood nickname of mine but please do not start calling me that, I am, after all, almost 40, overweight and bald, so it would just be cruel) it was Grandma who cared for me for my first year of life. Thanks Grandma. I had F-U-N! Violet has a quick wit and WICKED sense of humor ("Kev" can't compete with Violet in the "funny" department and thinks she should create a blog of her own.) Violet's life wasn't always easy and glamorous although she encompasses "glamour" to me. Having grown up in an orphanage outside of Chicago and then raising children, primarily on her own, she has managed to stay upbeat. She is, seriously, a Scrabble Champion and knows words the common person, like "Kev," has never even heard of. She also taught herself to play the accordian and the organ. She can house break a puppy in about an hour and teach a bird to speak three different languages in just three days. She is simply amazing. Grandma also appreciates a handsome man and I believe saw "The Sting" 137 times.
These days, you can find Violet online, selling her wares on eBay (she is a "Power Seller" I believe, which is the highest honor bestowed in the eBay community) or at the local casino where she loves the slots (and often wins).
Next up, Frank... Like Violet, I was also close with my Grandfather, who passed away, sadly, in November of 2000. Frank was born into a large Italian family in Chicago. He was affectionately known as "Uncle Frank" and then later, "Grandpa." Even our friends called him "Grandpa." Frank and Violet met shortly after WWII. Frank drove a cab and then was a refrigeration and heating maintenance man for most of his career, until he stopped working due to his MS. When I was young, I spent many weekends with my Grandfather - he always made me laugh. He had a very silly sense of humor and was a very kind man.
Both of my Grandparents often took me to their places of work. My Grandfather told me I would be no good with my hands and that I should pursue work in an office (i.e., he was telling me "you're gay"). I should tell you that my Grandfather was the first person I "disclosed" my "homo" sexuality to (most people would have thought it was JoAnn - she was second). Yes, you might not believe this, but there was a time I did NOT want to be a fabulous, witty gay guy (it's a lot of pressure). I wanted a "normal" life (you know, multiple marriages, nasty divorces, children I would probably just mess up, etc..). Good times. Anyway, my Grandfather's response was very simple. While he did not want me to have a difficult life, he knew "Kev" did not choose this, and like everyone else in his life, just wanted me to have happiness (and then he asked me to make him a sandwich and reminded me not to forget the mustard). My Grandpa liked the ladies. Remember this famous Farah Fawcett poster? My Grandfather had this hanging in his bedroom at one time (I think that's cool)...

You might be wondering why "Kev" is writing about this today (do I have to keep putting "Kev" in quotes since it is actually my name) ? It's actually very simple. Today would have been my Grandfather's 82nd birthday. Since both of my Grandparents are on my mind today, I thought it best to forego the standard "HOT Guy" fare and write about something far more important to me than even, yes, Ricky Martin or Stevie Nicks.
To my Grandmother, Violet, thank you for being the BEST Grandmother a guy could ever have. You are loved tremendously...
To my Grandfather, Frank, you are missed but never forgotten...

"Kev" and Violet in the late '80's
"Kev's" Post Script:
I wanted to share the email my Grandmother sent after reading this post. She is truly the "coolest" Grandmother, ever... We actually email one another quite often and what she does not know is that I save every email she sends. They are priceless and I re-read them at times when I want to laugh. I have decided to add a segment, with her permission, entitled, "Email From G-Ma." Anyway, this was her (very touching) reply...
I have had "Kev's Corner" bookmarked and I read what you wrote today. I appreciate all the nice things you have said about me in your BLOG sweetheart but loving you came natural to me! I remember when I would lift you from your crib and just sit in the living room holding you. You are still that beautiful little boy to me.
Yep, this is your Grandpa's birthday today and I thought of him too. He was about the most soft-hearted and kind person I ever knew also. I hope he is at peace and without pain now. I think of him often too, not only on his birthday.
Stay as sweet as you have always been Honey. Don't let the cruel world change anything about you. I love you very much.
Your G-Ma xoxoxoxoxoxoxox :-)
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