Friday's HOT Guy...

"Kev" is very excited about this week's "HOT Guy," but not in an aroused way, because that would just be wrong... Like last week's Hot Guy(s), this "HA-TAY" is also happily married (with children) to a childhood friend, hence he is "straight" and not available to you, the general public. I should point out that ALL of "Kev's" friends are married to "HOT Guys" except Catherine in San Francisco, whose husband is, well, unfortunate looking. To her, he's Matt Damon and to me he is Matt Damon if Matt Damon suffered from Down Syndrome. Sorry Catherine... I can't pretend your husband is cute and please stop asking me this question repeatedly. I also will NEVER tell someone their baby is cute if it isn't. Life is harsh, even to "Kev." Catherine does, however, have the most ADORABLE baby (looks nothin' like her husband).
Back to our "HOT Guy..." While his picture speaks for itself (he's gorgeous), let me tell you a little about Jeff. "Kev" met Jeff in high school when he began dating "Kev's" childhood friend, Sara (whom you will all be reading about in a future installment of "Kev's Friends"). Jeff and Sara are part of "Kev's" permanent history for several reasons, meaning, I will never forget them. The first time "Kev" ever had alcohol and became subsequently "drunk" was at Jeff's house. Yes, Sara served up the Jagermeister (which I still can't drink to this day) while Jeff modeled his elephant G-string. (HOT, by the way...) Jeff is a "triple threat," as "Kev" would say. He is very smart, very kind, very fun and very talented. I guess that makes him a "quadruple threat". All of this equals, according to "Kev's" math, you guessed it, HOT!
Jeff is one talented mother-father (again, that's mother fucker, expressed as mother father because it is cute, catchy and non-offensive, used only for emphasis to express just how talented Jeff is). Jeff, I believe, plays every instrument known to man and performs in a band or two.
Jeff is a concerned citizen of our planet. Jeff has been heavily involved in utilizing alternative resources (solar panels) to power his home, while selling the excess back to the local power company. He has even educated others, giving lectures on this topic. I believe the family car is a hybrid and I am pretty sure the family recycles (which is just way too time consuming and confusing for "Kev" but to them I say, "Way to go!").
Jeff is also, hold onto your hats, an ATHLETE! Yes, if you "Google" Jeff, you will see that he has completed a marathon and also participates in many 5 and 10K's. Does it get any HOTTER than this? YES! Jeff is also the father of three blond-headed little cuties. (You're killin' us Jeff...)
I have to admit, too many years have gone by since I have last seen Jeff and Sara. "Kev" read, very dramatically, in their wedding 15 years ago (next month) and is still, to this day, honored to have been there. Jeff has always been "HOT" - not just for his movie star looks, i.e., bedazzling smile, bright eyes, great hair, HOT bod, (lucky bastard) etc., but for the person that he is and always was. CONGRATS to Jeff and Sara on their upcoming wedding anniversary! "Kev" looks forward to seeing you in October.
Let's raise our glasses to Jeff and say THANKS for being so damn HOT!
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