Friday's HOT Guy...
Most people would agree that, next to Saturday, Friday is the BEST day of the week. The pace is a bit slower, people are a little friendlier, and life, overall, is just a little nicer...Here at "Kev's Corner," we (and by that I mean, I) love Fridays NOT because I can blog in my underwear (it is casual day) but because Friday is the day we celebrate (and by celebrate, I mean exploit) another HOT Guy...
Today's "HOT Guy" installment is VERY special because we, OK, "I," am featuring not one, but TWO "HOT Guys..." Two for the price of one you might say (or in this case, two for free since they aren't being compensated in any way for this...)
While you may not see these guys on the cover of "GQ," "Men's Health," "People," or "International Male," (or the magazines "Kev" reads, "Playgirl," "Bel Ami" (that's French porn, it's sweet...) "Blue Boy," or "The Advocate") they are "hotties" in their own right. Move over Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey (we've had enough of you two) and make room for Hottie Scottie and Tiger Tim (names altered slightly to protect HOT Guy's anonymity).
I should start by telling my gay readers, the three of you, that these guys are not on the market. In fact, both are HETEROSEXUAL and HAPPILY MARRIED with children, which only adds to their heat index. So please don't steal their pictures and claim them as your "man."

First up, "Scottie." I met Scottie in the days of yore when he began dating my dear friend, his now wife, JoAnn (see "Kev's Friends"). There are MANY things I could write about Scottie starting with his upstanding character. I might mention the fact that he is an awesome husband and father, or write about how SMART and FUN he is ("Kev's" math: SMART + FUN = SEXY) or I could tell you that he has been a good friend to me throughout the course of many years. He ALWAYS let's me stay at the "W," his estate in the Western 'burbs (it's quite nice). He is someone that I have liked and respected for many reasons. Now lest I lose you, no one wants to read a homo's drivel, including me, let me cut to the chase and tell you the other qualities that make Scottie a "hottie." Whether you're a man, woman, gay, bi/confused/kidding yourself or straight, we all like "butts," "booties," "behinds," right? Scott, I mean, "Scottie," has one of the cutest, especially in his boxer shorts. My apologies, Scott, I've looked...Scott's eyes are beautiful, like "Bombay Sapphires" and he is someone you listen to no matter what he is talking about. Yes, "Kev" is jealous of his "seal-like" hair (it's quite nice). If all of this isn't enough, "Kev" happens to know that Scott is VERY romantic...While I am still waiting for my Valentine's Day card, the Valentine poems he wrote to his wife and children last year were priceless (really, you should ask to see them). So here's to my friend, "Scottie," THANKS for being so damn HOT!

Today's second "HOT Guy" hails from the desert and he is absolutely stunning (I LOVE him...). I met Tiger (yes, I really DO call him, "Tiger," "Handsome," "T-Bone" (that's just our ghetto-speak) or "Sexy" depending on my mood and since I often forget his first name. I actually had to call his wife, "Kitten," whose name also escapes me, to remind me what it was...) Anyway, I met both of these sexy felines in 1999. We became fast friends. I am now their "Main Gay" which is an honor equivalent to being knighted by the Queen. "Kitten" and "Tiger" also have the CUTEST daughter, ever, who I love, and call, "L'il Kitty." Like "Scottie," "Tiger" is also an amazing husband and father (I want them to adopt me). Tiger has a WICKED sense of humor and often makes me laugh without saying a word. Tim, I mean, "Tiger" has been an incredible friend throughout the years and, unfortunately, has seen "Kev" cry (again, see "Brutal Home Invasion" in future post). Tim is the kind of guy who never meets a stranger. He is the FIRST to offer his time and assistance to anyone in need. He has even, like "Kitten," volunteered his time as a camp counselor (how cute is that...). He is a "favorite" at his office, often turned to for advice and direction, despite urinating on a co-worker. He is SMART, WARM and COMPASSIONATE, which, as you guessed = HOT. Let me digress momentarily, as I often do...When "Kev" was a younger, more "dramatic" gay, every significant person or experience reminded me of a Stevie Nicks song. It's just what young gays do. My "song" for Tim is "Rooms On Fire" which is about someone so attractive and captivating that there is magic all around them. Gay? For sure! But it is true. Tim has "superhero" good looks, he is tall and tan with golden locks and eyes like stars ("Kev's" favorite) and he is a beautiful person on the inside as well. So here's to my friend, "Tiger," THANKS for being so damn HOT!
To view "Rooms On Fire" lyrics (again, "Kev's" tribute to Tiger) visit Stevie's official website at
"Kev's" Post Script:
Mrs. W, Scottie's missus, sent the picture you see above with a note to "Kev" that read, "My HOT Guy - 7 days a week." I thought that was so sweet that I just HAD to share it.
Today's "HOT Guy" installment is VERY special because we, OK, "I," am featuring not one, but TWO "HOT Guys..." Two for the price of one you might say (or in this case, two for free since they aren't being compensated in any way for this...)
While you may not see these guys on the cover of "GQ," "Men's Health," "People," or "International Male," (or the magazines "Kev" reads, "Playgirl," "Bel Ami" (that's French porn, it's sweet...) "Blue Boy," or "The Advocate") they are "hotties" in their own right. Move over Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey (we've had enough of you two) and make room for Hottie Scottie and Tiger Tim (names altered slightly to protect HOT Guy's anonymity).
I should start by telling my gay readers, the three of you, that these guys are not on the market. In fact, both are HETEROSEXUAL and HAPPILY MARRIED with children, which only adds to their heat index. So please don't steal their pictures and claim them as your "man."

First up, "Scottie." I met Scottie in the days of yore when he began dating my dear friend, his now wife, JoAnn (see "Kev's Friends"). There are MANY things I could write about Scottie starting with his upstanding character. I might mention the fact that he is an awesome husband and father, or write about how SMART and FUN he is ("Kev's" math: SMART + FUN = SEXY) or I could tell you that he has been a good friend to me throughout the course of many years. He ALWAYS let's me stay at the "W," his estate in the Western 'burbs (it's quite nice). He is someone that I have liked and respected for many reasons. Now lest I lose you, no one wants to read a homo's drivel, including me, let me cut to the chase and tell you the other qualities that make Scottie a "hottie." Whether you're a man, woman, gay, bi/confused/kidding yourself or straight, we all like "butts," "booties," "behinds," right? Scott, I mean, "Scottie," has one of the cutest, especially in his boxer shorts. My apologies, Scott, I've looked...Scott's eyes are beautiful, like "Bombay Sapphires" and he is someone you listen to no matter what he is talking about. Yes, "Kev" is jealous of his "seal-like" hair (it's quite nice). If all of this isn't enough, "Kev" happens to know that Scott is VERY romantic...While I am still waiting for my Valentine's Day card, the Valentine poems he wrote to his wife and children last year were priceless (really, you should ask to see them). So here's to my friend, "Scottie," THANKS for being so damn HOT!

Today's second "HOT Guy" hails from the desert and he is absolutely stunning (I LOVE him...). I met Tiger (yes, I really DO call him, "Tiger," "Handsome," "T-Bone" (that's just our ghetto-speak) or "Sexy" depending on my mood and since I often forget his first name. I actually had to call his wife, "Kitten," whose name also escapes me, to remind me what it was...) Anyway, I met both of these sexy felines in 1999. We became fast friends. I am now their "Main Gay" which is an honor equivalent to being knighted by the Queen. "Kitten" and "Tiger" also have the CUTEST daughter, ever, who I love, and call, "L'il Kitty." Like "Scottie," "Tiger" is also an amazing husband and father (I want them to adopt me). Tiger has a WICKED sense of humor and often makes me laugh without saying a word. Tim, I mean, "Tiger" has been an incredible friend throughout the years and, unfortunately, has seen "Kev" cry (again, see "Brutal Home Invasion" in future post). Tim is the kind of guy who never meets a stranger. He is the FIRST to offer his time and assistance to anyone in need. He has even, like "Kitten," volunteered his time as a camp counselor (how cute is that...). He is a "favorite" at his office, often turned to for advice and direction, despite urinating on a co-worker. He is SMART, WARM and COMPASSIONATE, which, as you guessed = HOT. Let me digress momentarily, as I often do...When "Kev" was a younger, more "dramatic" gay, every significant person or experience reminded me of a Stevie Nicks song. It's just what young gays do. My "song" for Tim is "Rooms On Fire" which is about someone so attractive and captivating that there is magic all around them. Gay? For sure! But it is true. Tim has "superhero" good looks, he is tall and tan with golden locks and eyes like stars ("Kev's" favorite) and he is a beautiful person on the inside as well. So here's to my friend, "Tiger," THANKS for being so damn HOT!
To view "Rooms On Fire" lyrics (again, "Kev's" tribute to Tiger) visit Stevie's official website at
"Kev's" Post Script:
Mrs. W, Scottie's missus, sent the picture you see above with a note to "Kev" that read, "My HOT Guy - 7 days a week." I thought that was so sweet that I just HAD to share it.
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