National Underwear Day

Believe me, or squeeze me, today is "National Underwear Day!"
An internet search on the history of underwear yields VOLUMES of information regarding the origins of undergarments and how they have evolved over time. (This same search will also yield MANY sites that may not be appropriate if surfing the internet at the office, so be careful.) There have even been books written on this topic, can you believe it? While I could devote this post to the transformation of a fig leaf to a thong, I will simply share my thoughts on underwear.
Most gay men (and women) I know love their underwear. Americans spend more than $13 BILLION dollars each year on "intimate apparel." As a matter of fact, there is a company that you may have heard of, "Undergear," that targets gay men specifically. This magazine has followed me for the past 15 years, although I never provide a forwarding address, nor have I subscribed to it. You see, when you "come out," you automatically receive a lifetime subscription. "Kev" actually went to high school with a guy (a really HOT one) that worked as a model for "Undergear..."
Wouldn't you love to be a teen today? These kids not only don't care if their underwear is showing, they get upset if it isn't. When I was growing up, the last thing I ever wanted anyone to see was my underwear. "Kev" has changed in this regard as well. While I still keep my pants pulled up, I will gladly show you my 2Xist collection.
All of this talk of underwear reminds me of a time when I was in my first relationship. My then "significant other" and I spent our first vacation in the Colorado mountains. Yes, it was ROMANTIC. By the way, "Kev" hates all those terms same-sex couples use to define themselves. Please, never, ever refer to someone as your "lover." This is just wrong. "Partner" is also not advised unless you are in business with the person. Anyway, back to my story...On our first day, we went horseback riding. The horse "Kev" was riding lost its' footing on a mountain cliff. While a little scary, both "Kev" and the horse were a-OK. "Kev" had a little "accident" though and did not want the BF to know...So I threw the underwear under the bed in our rented cabin. SSSSSSHHHHHHH, don't tell the maid. I later, many years later, disclosed to my then BF what happened, and we still laugh about that.
From all of us here at "Kev's Corner," HAPPY NATIONAL UNDERWEAR DAY!
To see HOT guys modeling underwear, visit "Undergear's" online catalogue at
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