Life's A Drag (Sometimes...)

"Kev" didn't have such a good day today... While I promised you, the reader, that "Kev's Corner" would be a "happy" place, I have to tell you, I lied...
Tonight, "Kev's Corner" is a very DARK, unhappy, ill-fated place (very dramatic, yes, I know). You should just leave now and check out the blog next door (she critiques restaurants in Beijing and often has really "yummy" recipes you might enjoy).
You see, some sad news came down from the land lady, who I simply call "Land Lady," that she (OK, "he") wants to SELL the place I haven't finished moving into yet. I guess a 12 month lease isn't valid if you get an offer on your property , according to Land Lady... By way of this post, I am seeking legal counsel from my attorney, Master P. Master (first, what's up, bro?) your skills/expertise may come in handy... We will take her (I mean him) to trial, you know, sue the "biatch," and I will finally get to proclaim, "Order in the court! Order in this mother-father friggin court!" (I may even use the real words...)
"Kev" hasn't had a chance to write about the new "crib," which is in Atlanta's gay epicenter, within walking distance of many fine homo establishments including, "Universal Gear," "Bulldogs," and the "Outwrite Bookstore." Before the rug is pulled out from under me (which is simply a metaphor since I don't own any rugs due to allergies), let me tell you that this building is a gay man's paradise. The gay to straight ratio is 137:1 (I confirmed this with the sales office before moving in). Oddly enough, the one "friend" I have made so far is the straight guy, Steve, who lives down the hall. I told him that I know LOTS of gay "Steves" but not one straight one. Anyway, the elevators smell like an Abercrombie & Fitch store and most of the residents here (except "Kev") look like Abercrombie & Fitch models, including straight Steve... Television monitors throughout the building play MTV all day and all night. (We LOVE us some Jessica Simpson.) Themed poolside activities here include, "Miami Nights," "White Party," "Who's Your Daddy," "What's That Smell," "Does This Go With My Shoes," and "Anyone For Sex By The Pool." (I was the only one to show up that night...) Not to mention the city view from 27 stories up. Simply breath taking.

You get the point... This place couldn't be gayer if fairies, in drag, riding pink unicorns greeted you at the door singing "Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves." "Kev" does not want to move...
Say a gay little prayer for "Kev" tonight and "curses" to Land Lady.
"Kev's" Post Script:
Land Lady called and said "not to worry...not accepting offer to sell." Thanks for your prayers and curses. They worked. And to those who thought the photo above was Stevie Nicks, you are NOT invited to the house warming party...
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