Friday's HOT Guy...

Next month, "Kev" will be attending his (hold onto your skirts) 20th high school reunion! I can't believe it either, especially because I am only 25-years-old...
Preparations have been in the works (no thanks to "Kev") for what seems like decades now and the big event is just weeks away. Nothing else has made me feel older than pondering this upcoming reunion. Again, I am just 25-years-old... As part of the celebration, a website was created where classmates can respond to questions and post pictures of themselves and their families. It has been a lot of fun reading everyone's responses. Although, let me tell you, most of the replies have been LAME, a lot of these people are NOT pretty and, well, their lives really have been less "FAB U LOUS than "Kev's", at least on paper. Yes, what I am saying is that most of them are Toby Keith loving losers, as they were 20 years ago. "Kev" is, of course, just JOKING (please don't sue me).
Anyhoo, here are SOME of "Kev's" responses to the questionnaire that appears on the reunion website (which will also appear in a commemorative book). Names have been abbreviated to avoid pissing anyone off...
My Marital Status Is: Single (unfortunately)
Colleges Attended: Elmhurst College and University of Illinois at Chicago
Degrees Received: BA in Social Work (VERY useful...NOT)
What Are Your Memories Of High School (i.e., secret crush, favorite teacher): I still have dreams, bad ones, that I can't find my locker or remember the combination and that my life is a perpetual "10th Hour" (which, for those of you who don't know, is a form of punishment via exercise). My "secret crush" Freshmen and Sophomore years was Kirsten P. (now Z.). She was beautiful. Golden locks and eyes like stars. My "secret crush" Junior and Senior years was Bob B.. He was beautiful. Golden locks and eyes like stars. *Disclaimer - I did not and do not know Bob B.. Any reference to my "secret crush" on Bob does not imply that he, like me, is a 'mo or that he in turn had a "secret crush" on me. Please don't beat me up or send me hate mail unless your mail includes a picture of Bob. My favorite teacher in high school was Monsieur Harding... He used to write me notes in French (that I still can't read).
Messages You Would Like To Post-
Anyone seen Bob?
You got it... This week's HOT Guy is high school "secret crush", Bob B. who was very SEXY. Bob was the captain of the football team AND the Homecoming King. "Kev" L-U-V-E-D him...
Finally, since I cannot post a link of my 1986 "tribute" song to Bob for you to hear, you know, the one that would play in my head when I would see him in the locker room, after gym class, or running laps around the school track, I am simply providing the lyrics (modified slightly). The song, like Bob, is quite beautiful...
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small
But I see your true colors
Shining through (Bob)
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you (Bob)
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow (a big, gay rainbow)
Show me a smile then (Bob)
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing (I think it was 20 years ago though)
If this world makes you crazy (Bob)
And you've taken all you can bare
You call me up (although an email or IM is OK too...)
Because you know I will be there (except I am traveling A LOT in September and October)
And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you (Bob)
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow (a big gay rainbow)
Cyndi Lauper, "True Colors" (1986)
Additional lyrics provided courtesy of "Princess"
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