Happy Black Gay Pride!

This weekend is "Black Gay Pride" here in Atlanta. I would like to give a "shout out" or "props" to my African-American brethren (although I don't have any, which is strange considering the demographics of this town, and given the fact that I am NOT a racist, although I have never dated a black guy either, although if Tyson calls, that might change). Anyway, my men of color, "Happy Pride!" Please drink responsibly and wear your condoms! AIDS is currently the #7 killer of black guys, right after homicide (or homocide, as I call it), which is a TRUE statistic. I am NOT poking fun at the drug dealers, pimps or ghetto fabulous "gangsta" thugs associated with the African-American culture.
Today is an anniversary of sorts here at "Kev's Corner." Yes, the post you are reading at this very moment (unless someone is reading it to you, and in that case, you would be listening to, unless you aren't paying attention, which is really sort of rude) is #30!
I have to say, I didn't think maintaining a blog would be as time consuming as it actually is. It takes a lot of time and effort to produce these posts, although it may not appear that way from the content. It is for this reason that "Kev" would like to turn over the reigns, if you will, to a guest "blogger" for a day or two, or even a week. You too can be "Kev" for a day (although you don't need to be bald). I know many of you who read "Kev's Corner" are FAR FUNNIER than "Kev" - you are all actually my "muses" and I know the other readers would enjoy getting to know you too. So if you are interested in posting your own "Friday's HOT Guy" (or gal), or talking about your high school crush, or even writing about your fabulous Grandparents or how you celebrated "Black Gay Pride 2006" (really, you can write about ANYTHING), now is your chance! "Kev" is currently accepting contributions. Of course, you will not be compensated except with a heart-felt "thank you" for getting this monkey off my back for a day or two...
"Kev" has also added a site meter (effective September 1, 2006) to track activity to the "Corner" (cause if no one is reading this, I am just a loser at a computer, wasting my time...). If you are curious about the sites stats, scroll to the bottom of the page to see how many visitors there have been to "Kev's Corner." ("Kev's" visits to the site are not tracked.)
To help us celebrate #30, click HERE, turn the volume WAY UP, and watch the Scissor Sisters perform "Filthy/Gorgeous" which is "Kev's" favorite... Lyrics provided below so you can sing along...
For maximum viewing pleasure, we suggest you expand to "full screen" mode by selecting the appropriate icon.
(You will need to select "Real Player" or "Windows Media")

And I am gorgeous
When you're walking down the street
And a man tries to get your business
And the people that you meet
Want to open you up like Christmas
You gotta wrap your fuzzy with a big red bow and know some
bitch gonna treat me like a ho
I'm a classy honey kissy huggy lovey dovey ghetto princess
Cuz you're filthy (filthy)
Ooooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous)
Cuz you're filthy (filthy_
Ooooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous)
You're disgusting
Ooooh, and you're nasty
And you can grab me
Ooooh, cuz you're nasty
When you're runnin' from a trick
And you trip on a hit of acid
You gotta work for the man
But your biggest moneymakers' flaccid
You gotta keep your shit together
With your feet on the ground
There ain't no one gonna listen
If you haven't made a sound
You're an acid junkie college flunky dirty puppy daddy bastard
Cuz you're filthy (filthy)
Ooooh, and I'm gorgeous (gorgeous)
Cuz you're filthy (filthy)
Ooooh, and I'm gorgeous
You're disgusting
Ooooh, and you're nasty
And you can grab me
Ooooh cuz you're nasty
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