Mixed Fruit

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to the "Corner!" Today's installment, titled, "Mixed Fruit" is a melange of topics floating about in "Kev's" head... No earth shattering revelations but that's what CNN, Discovery Channel and your local church are for, right?
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, this weekend is "Black Gay Pride 2006" here in Atlanta. "Kev" did his part last night to help in the celebration. By this I mean, I had several peach margaritas (which is my favorite drink, not just for Black Gay Pride 2006) and shouted "HAPPY BLACK PRIDE" to every African-American (gay/straight, I didn't care) that happened to cross my path. I also displayed the infamous "BLACK POWER" fist as a sign of solidarity. I uttered a couple of times, "I too have a dream" (except it is about meeting teen queen, Hilary Duff, because she is SO cute). Anyway, from the looks over at "Bulldogs" (a gay bar catering to African-American men) a good time was had by all...
Next up... The post about my Grandparents has generated the most "buzz..." Yes, my Grandmother is very special and it is for this reason that, with her permission, I would like to share some of her words of wisdom. Her words have helped shape "Kev" into the gay he is. Before I do that, I wanted to mention that we spoke on the phone this week and she informed me that she stopped making fudge after the last batch she sent me had a hair in it. She asked me why I didn't mention that on the blog (she is so SILLY).
Anyway, here are my Grandmother's words of wisdom for this week...
My mother always said, "wish in one hand and shit in the other - see which one gets the fullest!" But I never tried that because I'm not that dumb! I know which one would get the fullest! HA HA!
Thanks Grandma, that is VERY good advice. I won't shit in my hand either (Love ya!).
Finally, over the past several years, "Kev" has picked up the habit of renaming, or giving "pet" names to people who are near and dear to him (probably a sign of getting old). This started with my BFF, Donna, in Phoenix. While I will write about Donna soon (once I receive her signed release form), her name just does not encompass all that she is, so cute and full of moxie, so I changed it to "Kitten" (which is strange because I hate cats, I am allergic to them, they shed too much, and as my Grandfather told me, would eat you if they were big enough). Anyway, I have never liked nicknames for myself, including being called, believe it or not, "Kev." My Aunt Edith used to call me "Casper The Friendly Ghost" (she too was saying, "you're gay") although she does not recall calling me this. (She drinks a lot. She used to also say, "Kevin, Kevin, you stink to high Heaven" but that's before the age of 5 when I wasn't potty trained...) I think she also referred to me as "Tinky-Winky" the purple (gay) Tele-Tubby, but I cannot confirm this as of print time this afternoon. Oddly enough, I now LOOK like Casper, so perhaps she wasn't that far off. Anyway, last night I came home through the lobby and the concierge, who is always the most friendly, said, "Hey hey! It's Denny Terrio!" (Remember Denny Terrio from the '70's hit, "Dance Fever?") I said, "Hey, Tyrone. Why are you calling me Denny Terrio?" He said, "Oh, it's not just me. We ALL call you Denny Terrio." "Why?" I asked. (I don't even have hair and Denny Terrio had LOTS of hair. Apparently, there are cameras in the elevators that the concierge can view from the concierge desk and "Kev" has been caught with his iPod on more than one occasion. (It's a LONG ride to the top...) I told Tyrone, "HAPPY BLACK PRIDE" and walked away. I will have him fired in the morning.
Click HERE to hear the theme song from "Casper The Friendly Ghost" and enjoy your Sunday!
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