HOT Nemesis

"Kev" is taking a break today, but please enjoy this contribution from my dear friend, whom you have all grown to know and love, JoAnn, Princess, or INCESS-PRAY...
That bastard!
I heard that a lot over the past month or so. The bastard in question is our old friend Brad. Our dear "Kev" worked himself into quite a lather wondering why Brad responded to my emails but completely ignored his. "Kev" pouted. "Kev" complained. "Kev" analyzed. "Kev" is lucky he is so cute because he was on the verge of being annoying.
Cut to the night of our fancy reunion gala. How often do you get to go to one of these shindigs, right? So we pour ourselves into our fancy outfits and get ready for prom night, oops, I mean our reunion gala. Our old friend Brad is getting into town mere hours before the gala is to begin. In a fit of nostalgia, we make plans to drive by the home of Brad's parents, where he is staying, to caravan to the aforementioned gala. "Kev" turns into my twelve year old daughter, saying he'd rather stay home with my mother than go to his house. Arms crossed defiantly, "Kev" sits in the back seat of the trusty Honda Accord while the five of us go to Brad's. There is muttering. There are dirty looks thrown at MOI! "Kev's" blue eyes glint with anger.
We arrive at Brad's. There is hugging and hand shaking among dear old friends. "Kev" asks why Brad never replied to his email. Brad says that he replied the very day he received it and indeed thought it was very funny. Brad offers to take someone in his car. "Kev" shouts, "I'll go!" and jumps into Brad's rental with another reunion friend, Sara.
I shoot steely glares at "Kev" from our Accord to Brad's rental as we pass each other in traffic. "Kev" is giddy. "Kev" is liked.
But we already knew that, didn't we?
"Kev's" Post Script:
Yes, it's true..."Kev" was quite put off by Brad's non-response to "Kev's" outward gesture of kindness via email a month or so ago. "Kev" even told Princess, "He said it best when he said nothing at all." (Very dramatic, I know.) What is so funny about this, to me anyway, is that I did not want to see Brad because of this and he ended up becoming my "date" for the night (he is super cute and super nice too...). We spent a good amount of time together, even more so than I did with Princess. He was one of the nice surprises of the evening. I will never forget the look Princess gave me as her car passed ours, en route to the shindig. I knew I was in trouble (for something). THANK YOU, Princess, for your contribution. I love you dearly and apologize profusely for morphing into your 12-year-old on prom, er, reunion, night.
hey "kev",
it was fun to be your date!
Prom pics are on their way once I get home.
You are the BEST, B-RAD... Please stay in touch!
Hugs -
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