Monday's HOT Guy...

Hola amigos! (That's Spanish for "Hello friends!") Welcome to the FIRST EVER "Monday's HOT Guy..."
As you know, "Kev" and friends celebrated their 20th high school reunion this past weekend. While "Kev" has LOTS to report back, he has decided to share the events in pieces over the course of the coming week and next weekend. (He would also LOVE contributions from those of you who were also in attendance, both BEFORE and AFTER you became completely hammered, shouting "Look at the whore!" Let me just say, while INCESS-PRAY (pig-Latin used to protect identity) was the MOST captivating and stunning (I L-U-V, love her, she looked GR-EAT), it wasn't only her beauty that was intoxicating this weekend (I'm just sayin'...).
Anyhoo...Back to the FIRST EVER "Monday's HOT Guy..." The FIRST EVER "Monday's HOT Guy..." is one of my BEST friends from high school, Mr. Mark C.
If you have followed the posts, you may have read responses "Kev" gave to a questionnaire that was placed on a reunion website. In the questionnaire, that "Kev" will make reference to again since it opened MANY doors this past weekend and a couple "closets," (shout "holla" & stomp your feet) "Kev" proclaimed that high school quarterback, Homecoming King, blond-haired, blue-eyed stud, Bob B. was "Kev's" "secret crush."
The truth is, "Kev's" "secret crush" senior year was none other than our FIRST EVER "Monday's HOT Guy," Mark C... Out of respect for Mark, I withheld this when responding to the questionnaire and replaced him with super stud, Bob B. (who, let's face it, I would have loved to have shagged, as would the other 'mo's from my graduating class, except for Mo, because she "may" or "may not" be a lesbian. "Kev" can't confirm or deny this ("Kev" = safe harbor), so please don't repeat this to other classmates anymore, OK INCESS-PRAY).
I decided to make Mark a "Monday's HOT Guy..." because he is someone you would like to have around all week - not just for the weekend like most of those other "Friday's HOT Guys..." As Mark knows, I have nothing but fond memories of him and our times together (I still think of him on his birthday EVERY year). Mark's HOTNESS, to me, transcends his blond hair, blue eyes, warm smile and infectious laugh. Mark is STILL the nicest guy EVER, with a brain and conscious to boot! Like many of the other "HOT Guys," however, Mark is also very HETEROSEXUAL and very HAPPILY MARRIED to a cute, smart, young lass who was a GREAT sport about letting this (almost) 40-year-old, overweight and bald guy ogle her husband all weekend... THANKS Jessica, you're the best! Thanks, too, for relinquishing your "Mrs. CXXXXX" name tag to me. I will cherish it 4-EVER. Will you still name your first child "Kev" and can I start spending the holidays with you at your home? (I figured that's why you told me all about the extra space you have in the basement.)
For the record, Mark was not one of the former classmates "Kev" touched inappropriately this weekend, after obtaining signed waivers, of course, because he has too much R-E-S-P-E-C-T for him. (Stay tuned this week, however, to read all about "HOTTIE's" Brian E. and Bill H. (whose release forms are on file...).
To Mark, thanks, again, for being such a GREAT friend to me all those years ago. It meant A LOT and I will never forget it! And, after all these years, THANKS, for STILL being "SO DAMN HOT."
(Please enjoy the photo above of HOT Guy Mark, with "Kev" this past weekend.)
Hola amigos = Hi friends
Gracias Eduardo! I have corrected the post! Thanks for stopping in!
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