Friday's HOT Guy...

This week's HOT Guy is singer/actor/all-around HOTTIE, Nick Lachey. (He's cute, right?)
Nick is currently on tour promoting his "What's Left Of Me" CD.
"Kev" is coming to you remote from "Princesses Castle," just outside of Chicago... (It's quite charming and "Kev" just L-O-V-E-S it here...)
Princess sends her love to all "Kev's Corner" readers...
"Kev" hopes you have a great weekend - he will be back next week with some "special" stories from the road.
can't wait to hear all the news from your reunion! i hope there are no "embarrassing" moments! miss you!
btw...nick is okay...cute and all, but a little white-bread mayonaisey for me. i prefer your husband, mr. ricky martin.
Hey Kitten!
MISS YOU too...See you later this month!
Now how did I miss this!?!?!?!
Ahhhh... so refreshing.
Thanks Kevin!!!
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