A Ghost In The Fog

Welcome back, whoever you are. We are glad you're here!
"Kev" is a bit disappointed this evening... You see, "Kev" spent the last two hours creating a really "special" post because he knows content has been lacking lately and wanted to bring you, the reader, something extraordinary that was out-of-the park, "A+," Pulitzer Prize winning work. He knows you would have been rolling on the floor, grabbing for tissue, calling your mother, or just plain pissed off. (Actually, we don't know how to gauge the emotions of the reader - it's anyone's guess how you will interpret our writing.) The post was just that good... THEN, when adding the "final touch," (a picture of a rose) the screen went white and everything vanished like a ghost in the fog...
Here's a brief recap...
We are still looking for "guest" bloggers... We think we are close to landing a really GROOVY lady who is one of "Kev's" BEST friends EVER that he knows you will LOVE. If you are interested in taking over the reigns of the "Corner" for a day, let us know - we would LOVE to hear from you! (It is "super" fun talking about yourself in third person, behaving as if you have a staff that is working for you (I just fired and rehired mine while writing this sentence) and making up statistics left and right.)
Is everyone watching "The Amazing Race 10" on CBS? I love the show. It is on the edge of your seat exciting. "Will the handy capable (Sarah) make it up the wall or won't she?" I am rooting for her, but only because her BF, Peter, is the cutest on the show. I do have to say that Tom and Terry, the token 'mo's, are what "Kev" calls "All-The-Way-Gay." A little too much squealing and jumping up and down for me, but it looks like they are having a really good time...
How about "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" with my good friend, Atlanta native, Ty Pennington? This show makes me cry every time and it is the same formula every week (you know, hard luck family, livin' in a shack, gets tricked out house with top of the line appliances...). I stopped watching the show last season but had this picture of Ty (and wasn't going to dare try reposting that rose...).
"Kev" wants to give a "SHOUT OUT" (again, "ghetto gay") to his 4-year-old "niece" who is the cutest child, ever. She is under the weather today... "Kev" called her this evening to see how she was feeling. She told me she (or her mother, one of "Kev's" BFF's) painted her toenails pink and then added "stars." So cute. Melts my heart every time I talk with her. I asked her if she thought I should paint my toenails pink and add stars and she said, "um, no." Please give L'il Kitty a big gay hug. Talking with her ALWAYS makes my day. I hope she will be feeling better soon...
Well friends, I can't remember the rest of what I spent the last two hours creating so I will simply say, good night, and "thanks" for stopping in. "Kev" WILL be back with something of substance later this week!
Until then...
I heart Ty Pennington. Don't tell Jeff!
Jeff's quote about EMHE: "If you're not cryin', we're not tryin'!"
Kev, I would love to be a guest blogger. I have nothing to say but when has that ever stopped me? Just let me knwo when and where.
You would be a FABULOUS guest! I am excited about the prospect of you writing. You could write about the time you accidently hit "reply" instead of "forward" on the email (that's always fun..) or you could talk about playing hop scotch with "Kev" in the second grade, letting me cheat off of you in Drivers Ed (what a loser I am) or your beautiful little girlies, or your HOT husband, or you grueling job, or the importance of being ecologically aware/responsible. You could write about your famous friend, Sean Hayes...Your options are limitless my friend! Lest you forget, this blog was YOUR brain child my dear! Hugs and Kisses! Love, "Kev"
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