Big Daddy's House

Hello all! It's Wednesday once again... Where does the time go? I just don't know... (Really, I don't, and I do think about this, except for right now, when I am writing. I can't write and think at the same time. I usually think first, write/type, and then try to think some more. This process works best for me.)
I thought I would share a few pictures from last weekend in San Francisco with Kitten (yes, we were celebrating her birthday - notice her clutching her new "Kitten" purse, which I am SURE she treasures and is using right now), Tiger and Big Daddy. For those of you who don't know, they are three of "Kev's" BEST friends... "Kev" would be l-o-s-t without them. (I just started calling David "Big Daddy" and, like not knowing where the time goes, I don't know why. I know not what I do.)
I should mention that when the photo below was taken, it was VERY late and "Kev" had had one or two margaritas. I think just two. Was it three? Were they margaritas or Tiki's Revenge? (They're delicious... You should go make one right now. It's OK if you're at the office, teaching class, driving a bus, performing surgery, or doing whatever it is you "do.") Six? No, couldn't be. Four? Ah, who cares, right? You're smart. You get the point. (I think Tiger had had one, or seven, also... Isn't he the CUTEST? The "flavor saver" under his lip tickled a bit...)

Here is another picture of Kitten and Tiger, on a San Francisco street... Aren't they darling?
(Pictures courtesy of K&T, LTD. All rights reserved, preserved, stowed away neatly in the overhead bin, or under the seat in front of you. Copyright laws apply. Feel free to use these pictures however you would like though. We don't care.)
Tiki's Revenge
1 1/4 oz Voodoo Tiki Desert Rose (Prickly Pear)
3/4 oz Melon Liquer (Midori)
2 oz Sour Mix
1 oz Mango Juice
Garnish with Strawberry
Fill a shaker with ice. Add Voodoo Tiki Desert Rose, Melon Liqueur, Sour Mix and Mango Juice.
Shake well and pour into a chilled highball glass.
"K-Dawg" & "T-Bone" (yes, we're "street") by the Golden Gate Bridge (The California sun was in my eyes, hence minor squinting...)
Must see more pictures of "Kev" on the blog. This is not just a simple request... it is a requirement.
P.S. I haven't worn the same watch twice since our return home.
Which picture would you like me to post? The one of you pinching my nipple, the one of us holding hands, the one of us sitting by the ocean or the one of us naked in the shower (OK, maybe I dreampt the last one?). It's your choice! Seriously, I had a great time with you, the missus, David, "Poodle" and "Mr. Poodle" last weekend. And lest any readers wonder..."Tiger" is VERY heterosexual and VERY happily married...He just likes to tease me...A LOT!
Kev - Don't believe I've seen you laughing that hard since my pantyhose joke! Personally - I would pay money to see the pic of either (1) you as Joan Crawford - -you really need to share the hanger, darling or (2) Tiger twisting your nipple!
Glad you had a great time & thanks for stopping by the Hoosier state & NOT letting me know in advance! You owe me big time!!
There MAY be a pic of me as Joan Crawford...I will have to see what I can do...I have NEVER EVER NEVER wanted to dress like a "lady" so being a real "bitch" was a nice compromise and a LOT of fun. I am only sorry 3 a.m. rolled around when it did and that I couldn't go to the office dressed that way. I am SORRY I didn't announce my time in INDY...It was either call you or eat dinner. You've seen me - I like to eat. I was hungry, what can I say? Yes, you DO make me laugh, so for that, THANK YOU. Have a good night and I will talk with you tomorrow! H&K back atcha
Wow! What a fabulous birthday, cake, and a little piece of Kev! Looks like you all had fun. I, for one, always have an extraordinary time when Kev and cocktails are involved.
Tiger sounds grrrrrrreat!
You are too kind...I miss you.
I miss you too - and it was nice to see David again, even if it was just a picture.
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