Sponge Bob Gay Pants

No, "Kev" hasn't come out of his self-imposed "hiatus," however, this photo of one of "Kev's" BFF's, June (and her BF, Eric) with Sponge Bob Gay Pants, received today, was just too good not to share... (Isn't she the cutest...)
June has always been "gay friendly" and has always tried to help "Kev" out in the "love" department (I think she asked Bob if he was currently seeing anyone and then slipped him my number), but I draw the line at square shaped men with dialated eyes and two teeth that look like they are strung out on crack, although he looks like he would be a LOT of fun in bed (thanks though June, for always looking out for me...).
To everyone, I hope you had a GREAT weekend, however you spent it... ("Kev" did.)
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