Friday's HOT Guy...
It's, you got it, FRIDAY!
"Kev" is back in the A-T-L to bring you not ONE, but TWO HOT Guys, both from his distant past. "Kev" met these lads a long time ago, in the 5th grade, and became reacquainted with them last weekend at the 20th high school reunion (and by reacquainted, I mean I touched them both inappropriately. It was F-U-N, fun.)...

The first HOT Guy is Bryan E.. Back in the day, Bryan was an "A-List" "All-Star." Bryan was the athletic, dreamy-eyed, boy next door type. Most girls wanted to date him (I did too!) and most boys wanted to be him (OK, to my knowledge, just me since I never asked other boys, "Hey, who would you rather be?"). In high school, I don't think Bryan and I spoke once. However, at the reunion, Bryan approached me and asked why my high school "secret crush" was Bob B. and not him...(It was the FIRST thing he said to me.) I told him I was a big "ho" back then and that my secret crush could have been one of any on the basketball, football, gymnastics, wrestling or baseball teams, including the team's coach, team sponsors, or anyone remotely affiliated with the "team" (except it was REALLY Monday's HOT Guy, Mark C., who was in the orchestra). We talked of old times from the neighborhood and about mutual friends we each knew. Bryan asked if I wanted to "feel his ass." I replied, "Certainly. That would be nice." Who died and went to heaven? Me... He mentioned he had 3 children and a painting business. I replied, "Really? Take your clothes off and tell us about it." I told him another of my "secret crushes" was his good friend, Shaun L.. I mentioned that my gym locker was next to Shaun's (he's the kid who wore red polyester underwear and had the body of a 25-year-old). Bryan asked me if we were ever in the same gym class (he was too popular to remember..). I replied, "uh huh." He turned red (might have been the gin) and said he hoped I was "generous" when recounting the times I had seen him naked... I left him alone after he so kindly let me touch him inappropriately (I did ask him, "please don't sue me"). We reconnected a few more times throughout the night. As everyone knows, "Kev" has met a few celebrities a time or two. When I saw, and spoke with Bryan, I had the same sensation I get when I meet a celebrity (except I didn't cry and run away like I normally do). I know... warped, twisted, silly and misguided.

The second HOT Guy, whom "Kev" also met in the 5th grade, is (D-List) Hollywood actor, Bill H.! Bill referred to his movies as "low budget" so I figured it's OK to call him "D-List" since no one here has probably seen anything he has been in. I did ask Bill if he had starred in anything "Kev" might have seen. Gay porn perhaps? Bill laughed. Most of Bill's career was spent at "Medieval Times," (you know, the place where "knights" joust and you eat turkey legs with your hands) and since I had a little "gin" myself, I can't really tell you as what, but I do know that he told me he had really long hair for a while that he was "happy" to cut off, he met his (23-year-old) child-bride there, and she was NOT a "wench" as "Kev" had assumed, she was a "Princess" (a little bitchy too..). I told Bill I would LOVE to have "medieval times" with him and asked if he would mind acting out some Shakespeare. He was VERY Hollywood about it and posed for pictures like the other celebrities "Kev" has met. Doesn't he look a little frightened in the photo?
While I am glad the event is over, it has left me with some VERY deep thoughts on reunions and why I think everyone should attend theirs. I am, however, still far too tired to put this into words, so please just enjoy the pics of Bryan and Bill (and please excuse "Kev's" baldness).
To JoAnn, Scott, Mark, Sara and my new "husband," Brad - you were the real celebrities of the night. Thanks again. (I still get tingly when I see each of you...)
Please enjoy these photos from 20 years ago...

"Kev's" other "secret" crushes...
(See "Friday's HOT Guy..." 9/1/06)

"Kev's" Post Script:
All photos, except those swiped from the reunion website, provided courtesy of Princess, since "Kev" doesn't own a camera. Thank you...
"Kev" is back in the A-T-L to bring you not ONE, but TWO HOT Guys, both from his distant past. "Kev" met these lads a long time ago, in the 5th grade, and became reacquainted with them last weekend at the 20th high school reunion (and by reacquainted, I mean I touched them both inappropriately. It was F-U-N, fun.)...

The first HOT Guy is Bryan E.. Back in the day, Bryan was an "A-List" "All-Star." Bryan was the athletic, dreamy-eyed, boy next door type. Most girls wanted to date him (I did too!) and most boys wanted to be him (OK, to my knowledge, just me since I never asked other boys, "Hey, who would you rather be?"). In high school, I don't think Bryan and I spoke once. However, at the reunion, Bryan approached me and asked why my high school "secret crush" was Bob B. and not him...(It was the FIRST thing he said to me.) I told him I was a big "ho" back then and that my secret crush could have been one of any on the basketball, football, gymnastics, wrestling or baseball teams, including the team's coach, team sponsors, or anyone remotely affiliated with the "team" (except it was REALLY Monday's HOT Guy, Mark C., who was in the orchestra). We talked of old times from the neighborhood and about mutual friends we each knew. Bryan asked if I wanted to "feel his ass." I replied, "Certainly. That would be nice." Who died and went to heaven? Me... He mentioned he had 3 children and a painting business. I replied, "Really? Take your clothes off and tell us about it." I told him another of my "secret crushes" was his good friend, Shaun L.. I mentioned that my gym locker was next to Shaun's (he's the kid who wore red polyester underwear and had the body of a 25-year-old). Bryan asked me if we were ever in the same gym class (he was too popular to remember..). I replied, "uh huh." He turned red (might have been the gin) and said he hoped I was "generous" when recounting the times I had seen him naked... I left him alone after he so kindly let me touch him inappropriately (I did ask him, "please don't sue me"). We reconnected a few more times throughout the night. As everyone knows, "Kev" has met a few celebrities a time or two. When I saw, and spoke with Bryan, I had the same sensation I get when I meet a celebrity (except I didn't cry and run away like I normally do). I know... warped, twisted, silly and misguided.

The second HOT Guy, whom "Kev" also met in the 5th grade, is (D-List) Hollywood actor, Bill H.! Bill referred to his movies as "low budget" so I figured it's OK to call him "D-List" since no one here has probably seen anything he has been in. I did ask Bill if he had starred in anything "Kev" might have seen. Gay porn perhaps? Bill laughed. Most of Bill's career was spent at "Medieval Times," (you know, the place where "knights" joust and you eat turkey legs with your hands) and since I had a little "gin" myself, I can't really tell you as what, but I do know that he told me he had really long hair for a while that he was "happy" to cut off, he met his (23-year-old) child-bride there, and she was NOT a "wench" as "Kev" had assumed, she was a "Princess" (a little bitchy too..). I told Bill I would LOVE to have "medieval times" with him and asked if he would mind acting out some Shakespeare. He was VERY Hollywood about it and posed for pictures like the other celebrities "Kev" has met. Doesn't he look a little frightened in the photo?
While I am glad the event is over, it has left me with some VERY deep thoughts on reunions and why I think everyone should attend theirs. I am, however, still far too tired to put this into words, so please just enjoy the pics of Bryan and Bill (and please excuse "Kev's" baldness).
To JoAnn, Scott, Mark, Sara and my new "husband," Brad - you were the real celebrities of the night. Thanks again. (I still get tingly when I see each of you...)
Please enjoy these photos from 20 years ago...

"Kev's" other "secret" crushes...
(See "Friday's HOT Guy..." 9/1/06)

"Kev's" Post Script:
All photos, except those swiped from the reunion website, provided courtesy of Princess, since "Kev" doesn't own a camera. Thank you...
Oh dear god. must you post THOSE photos? :-)
You looked FABULOUS back then as you did on Saturday! I really enjoyed visiting with you and am sorry we did not get to connect later in the week. Hugs and kisses...
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