Happy 60th! (Sort Of...)

Happy Saturday to you all! "Kev" is now back among the "living" after having been away for 8 days...
I would like to welcome a new reader to "Kev's Corner," "Kev's" big (slightly older, slightly wiser, not fatter) sister, Karen! "Kev" will write about Karen at some point and will highlight some of our life and times together. She is not only my sister, but one of my "best" friends...
Also, today marks the 60th post here at the "Corner." (I can hardly believe it.) Since September 1, we have had 800 visits from folks all around the world! (Yes, that is exciting!) I would like to, again, thank you for stopping in... As always, your comments are appreciated.
To help us celebrate, please enjoy this photo of a guy "Kev" can never get enough of, David Beckham, and click HERE to hear the Deep Dish 2005 dance version of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" and remember, "players only love you when they're playin'." (That's "Kev's" advice for the day...)
Hugs & Kisses -
AAAHHHH! My dear friend, SG! It has been a real pleasure getting to know you this past year! Yes, we ARE very much alike! You make my days, well, a lot more enjoyable. Thanks for stopping in and we WILL talk soon!
Love, your buddy -
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