A Friend In Need... A "Sistah!" Indeed!

HELLO AGAIN EVERYBODY! (I capitalized every letter of every word so you would get the sense that I am excited and shouting at you...)
I actually am a little "excited" tonight. No, I didn't just make out with yesterday's "HOT Guy", Reichen Lehmkuhl, or win the lottery, although either would be EXCITING... I am "excited" for another reason - I am "excited" to help...
Before I tell you what all the "excitement" is about, let me first tell you about a friend who is near (literally, he lives like 2 miles from me) and dear to my heart... You see, he isn't only my friend, he is my "sistah!" but not to be confused with my sister, whom I will write about very soon... My "sistah!," Ken, and I met about a year and a half ago through mutual friends and hit it off instantly! Ken is what "Kev" refers to as a "natural healer" (no, he isn't Native American or a witch doctor). He is someone that, when in his presence, puts you at ease. A very kind and gentle soul that "Kev" treasures. We actually have so much fun together (he is VERY funny) that we are often separated by hosts of the parties we attend together and are forbidden from sitting next to one another when out to dinner with a group of friends. When invited somewhere, we each, I have learned, typically ask the "invitor" if the other will be there. You get the picture...
Tonight's post isn't about my fabulous "sistah!," however, but about my "sistah's!" "brutha!," Jerry.
The following is a letter from "brutha" Jerry...
My name is Jerry Bosshart. I am 54-years-old and I need a heart transplant. I don't know how many other people in my position actually have the word "hart" in their name - but if that's not a coincidence, losing my father and grandfather to heart attacks now seems prophetic.
After residing in Los Angeles for almost 20 years and with my two children now grown and living in Chicago, I moved to Atlanta in 1996 to reunite with my mother, brother and sister. Within weeks, I had a severe heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. I lost 50% of my hearts pumping capacity, but recovered with the tireless help of my family who saw after my daily care until I was able to return to work.
In the ten years since the bypass, I have averaged one hospitalization per year - each has put a further strain on my heart function including the onset of a serious neurological disorder, Central Sleep Apnea. In September 2004, I was hospitalized with symptoms of end-stage, congestive heart failure. I recovered but was unable to go back to work. Thanks to Emory Center for Heart Failure and Transplantation, my condition is stable right now... Nevertheless, a recent evaluation confirmed that a heart transplant is my only chance of survival.
If I'm lucky enough to receive a heart, my new life will be filled with pay back for the extra years I've been given, not only from the advances in medicine but also for the doctors who helped me even when they knew they might not get paid. And then there is my family, whose unconditional love, understanding and sacrifices are just as responsible for me still being alive. When I am able to resume working, I want to continue advocating for seniors and the disabled and I would also like to work with patients suffering from sleep disorders.
The costs for a heart transplant are astronomical. As of this writing the only coverage I have is Medicaid, which will take care of my medical maintenance up to the time of the transplant. AN ADULT HEART IS THE ONLY ORGAN TRANSPLANT THAT GEORGIA MEDICAID WILL NOT COVER. Post transplant medications alone will be at least $2,500 per month, for the rest of my life.
To help ease the financial burden a fund raising campaign in my honor has been established with the National Transplant Assistance Fund (NTAF). NTAF is a non-profit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for the last 23 years. Won't you consider making a tax-deductible donation? No amount is too small.
I greatly appreciate your generosity, support and prayers.
If you would like to make a contribution to the NTAF on Jerry's behalf, please let me know and I will send the contribution form to you via email. Contributions are, as Jerry indicated, tax deductible. Contributions are NOT made directly to Jerry (or "Kev" or even to "Kev's" "sistah!") but are sent to the NTAF on behalf of Jerry. Also, if you have questions about the NTAF, you can contact them directly at (800) 642-8399.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jerry tonight and was moved by his story, even before having any vodka. What Jerry did not tell you in his letter is that the cost of a heart transplant runs approximately half a million dollars. Before Jerry can be considered for the transplant, he has to have approximately $100,000 set up in a trust to ensure that he can pay for the medication he referred to above, needed post-transplant. If Jerry does not have this transplant, his time with us is limited...
To Jerry - It was a pleasure meeting you. I wish you much success in your fund raising efforts and I will "hit the pavement" tomorrow on your behalf. I also wish you much success in your course of treatment. Thanks, too, for having such a wonderful "brutha!," my "sistah!" Oh, about the photo above... Since I don't have a photo of you, the choices were Stevie Nicks or a random "HOT Guy." I picked the picture I thought you might like best...
TO EVERYONE ELSE (I am shouting again), take care, thanks for stopping in and COME BACK SOON! (I will keep everyone posted on Jerry's progress!)
"Kev's" Post Script:
Although this is of no help to Jerry, or even about Jerry, I HAD to let everyone know that "Kev's" name (full name too, not just "Kev") appears on a plaque in the "Jess Nicks" wing of the Arizona Heart Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Jess is, you got it, Stevie's father, who worked tirelessly for years to raise millions of dollars in research and treatment funds in the fight against heart disease. I won't tell you how much "Kev" contributed for that dubious honor but it was less than the cost of a heart transplant. Stevie's father died one year ago from heart disease at the age of 80.
You have my e-mail dear friend - send me the form!
You are again showing what a kind & caring person you are & I love you for it!
We'll be sending Jerry & his family lots of positive thoughts & energy to help speed his way to a new heart & recovery!
You are the best! You offered a pledge before I was even done proof reading the post (you might have caught some typos because I know how detail oriented YOU are). I will send you the form tomorrow. Thanks again!!
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