K-Fed Up

Hey Everyone! "Kev" is feeling MUCH better tonight and wants to say "THANKS" for the well wishes received this week. (For those of you who don't know him, he can be a real baby when he is sick, tired, the moon isn't bright enough, the planets are off kilter, his coffee isn't hot enough, basically, for many reasons...)
I have to say, I have been less than interested in much of what's in the news this week. I am super glad the Democrats regained the House and Senate, and I am glad Donald Rumsfeld "resigned," (mainly because he is just SO unappealing to look at and I am certain he is part Devil). Other than that, I have nothing to say about the political climate at this time.
I am also already K-Fed up with the coverage of the recent rash of Hollywood break-ups (you know, Britney & Kevin, Ryan & Reese, "Kev" & Ricky Martin (yes, I am pretending again). Can't anyway stay together, stick it out, make it work anymore? Why is this "breaking news?" Why do we care? I just don't get it, although I am "dialed in" as much as the next teenage girl is.
I hope everyone had a nice Thursday, whoever and wherever you are. I will be back tomorrow with another "HOT Guy..." "nominated" by a reader hailing from Columbia, South Carolina (whom "Kev" has never met). We (I) think everyone will LOVE his "nomination."
Goodnight. Peace out. Asta la whatever.
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