Give Back

Greetings EVERYBODY! HAPPY (almost) NEW YEAR!
We hope everyone enjoyed whatever it is you celebrate this time of year. "Kev" had some much needed R&R and is back at the "Corner" just in time for the new year. (We weren't planning to return until the 1st, however, we've received a few emails asking "Where the hell are you?" SO we are BACK.)
A lot has happened this past week, huh? Saddam must hang in 30 days, both the "Godfather of Soul" and former President Gerald R. Ford have died, Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump continue to feud, John Edwards announced he will run for the Presidency in 2008 and the term "Google" was added (as a verb) to the Webster's Dictionary.
Sadly, here at home, "Kev" received word via a Christmas card that his dog, Barkley James, (see "Memory Lane") also passed away earlier this year. Barkley was "Kev's" FAVORITE dog, so the news was a bit sad. Barkley was a great companion and an even better judge of character. If Barkley liked someone, I knew they were "A-OK." Barkley was 14.
"Kev" has finalized his resolutions (all 3) for 2007 and will share those in a future post. He has, however, already started working on one of them, which is to "give back." (No, I am not referring to any (very) recent "dates" I may have been on or any parties I may have (very) recently attended, although you can assume I was charitable, I admit it, which ties in with another "resolution" for '07 that is simply to choose certain "charities" a little more wisely. Enough said...) "Give back" refers to donating time and money to organizations in need. When I was a young, ambitious gay, I often made it a priority to volunteer time and donate money. Somewhere along the way, it became "all about me," and that spirit of giving was left by the wayside. SO... resolution #1 for 2007 is to "give back," by remembering those less fortunate. (Don't get me wrong, I will still be vacationing in London this spring and will still spend whatever it takes to secure front row tickets at the upcoming Justin Timberlake concert, but this way, I will feel much less guilt about it.)
Two organizations that are important to me are highlighted here on the site... The first organization is "PAWS" (Pets Are Worth Saving). PAWS is a no-kill animal shelter here in Atlanta that houses/cares for animals in need while working diligently to find these animals new homes. A friend of "Kev's" is a volunteer for PAWS and we would like nothing more than to raise awareness of this organization and encourage much needed donations. To learn all about PAWS, and to make a donation, click on the link to the right. The second organization is the Atlanta Food Bank. The Atlanta Food Bank is a non-profit organization that distributes 2 million pounds of food each year, to those in need here in the metro-Atlanta area. Whatever city I have lived in over the years, I have always donated to that city's food bank. So if you don't live here in Atlanta, perhaps you would like to contribute to the food bank in your home town. It is amazing how little can make a difference to someone in need. (To give "Kev" "props," he funded "Christmas" dinner for 15 homeless people and donated to two different organizations just this week! YAY "Kev!")
If you volunteer/donate to/are raising money for any causes that are near/dear to you, let us know about it and we will feature it here at the "Corner..". (Unless you're into NAMBLA or something icky.) Feel free to exploit "Kev's Corner" (pimp us out, we're HAPPY to help...).
We will be BACK tomorrow. Until then, enjoy these photos of the Carlson twins, Lane and Kyle. Aren't they dreamy?
Yay Kev! Way to get us all feeling guilty on New Years Eve --- and I mean that only in the most sincere way. :-)
Greater Chicago Food Depository is a great organization in Chicago, and sounds like it's similar to Atlanta food Bank. We give them money every year at this time, on behalf of all the kids' teachers, mailman, people who help us, etc etc. Mostly it's purely selfish because then I don't have to shop for another Yankee candle for the teacher...
Yesterday I escorted at the abortion clinic and the new year's holiday drummed up more than the usual amount of "anti" activity. We had 6 people praying the rosary, 3 screamers, and then the usual confrontational bitch who i just want to punch - she alone keeps me coming back.
OK, stepping off my soapbox now,
Who the hell are the Carlson twins??
Your out-of-touch, once-a-year-do-gooder, friend Sar
Two more things:
Greater Chicago Food Depository link:
Planned Parenthood Federation site:
There's a picture there of William H. Macy (love him), and his wife, the chick from desperate housewives.
You are hysterical "Sar..."
First, you are a great inspiration and I only wish I could do all you do... Second, the Carlson twins are male models (formerly of Abercrombie & Fitch). I have to ask, what do the "screamers" scream? Uggh. Thanks for the links. I will add them to the site!
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