A Tale Of Two Princesses..

Well faithful readers, we have let you down... Yesterday was Brad Pitt's 43rd birthday and we failed to acknowledge it. Thanks to "Princess" we can say "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" to Brad, and share these pics with you...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY! (Call Princess!)
Did you hear that "Perez Hilton" (that icky little troll blogger, self dubbed "Queen of all Media" (what a loser) from L.A.) is being sued for $7.6 million for using photos illegally on his blog? Yikes! We can't stand him (he "outs" celebs that don't want to be "outed" and we think that is WRONG plus his blog looks like crap). We are, however, "brushing up" on what photos we can and can't use here at "Kev's Corner." (Because, JESUS CHRIST, we don't want to be sued! "Kev" isn't ready for the "poky," "po-po," "clink," or "big house," and doesn't have that sort of cash if you know what I mean...
I have to confess something that is weighing heavy on my mind. No, it isn't the fact that I still eat meat, have a leather sofa, haven't donated a dime in about a year, and haven't volunteered my time anywhere in since I don't know when...all of which are ALSO weighing on my mind and will be integrated in my 2007 "resolutions."
I have to confess to "Princess," whom I L-U-V more than anything, honestly, that another "Princess" was deemed "Princess" before her... I couldn't have foreseen that everyone in my life would come together in cyber space and that I would need to explain the "nick names" I had donned upon them, but alas, that day has arrived.
Anyhoo... I started giving people names other than the ones their mother gave them a few years back when I lived in San Francisco. It was at this time (in 2000) that I met another "Princess." "Kev" also had a "gay man crush" on her (i.e., probably wanted to be her). She was GOR-GEOUS. Now that we are all together here at the "Corner," I feel it's only right that I tell you all that CARRIE (the best piano teacher, EVER) was the original "Princess." (JoAnn - I feel horrible about this, really, but Carrie, you are also a "Princess" as well. What's a gay to do?)
Since none of you know her, I will tell you that Carrie is just this very cool, very HOT piano teacher that I adored. Every week, I looked forward to seeing Carrie. At the time she was teaching me, Carrie taught children primarily (which is why I loved her) and I could see these little boys drooling over her too. I would tell Carrie that she would bring these boys "to their knees" (because she did). I have had a handful of piano teachers since Carrie and haven't "connected" with any of them the way I did with her. (One guy wanted to straddle me (and I'm not making this up) while we played. It was his "method" of teaching. No, he was not "HOT," although he was sweaty. He was, of course, 325 pounds and extra hairy. He would only play show tunes or Bette Midler (again...wish I was making this up). I guess that's what I get for finding him in the local gay pages... I didn't learn anything from him except not to use the local gay pages.)
Carrie has since married, moved to the Boston area, and now has a daughter. She still teaches piano in a studio that her husband built just for her. She is an amazing piano player and I used to love to watch (and listen) to her play. (She even wrote a song for me that I still listen to.) I hope that Carrie records her music for the world to hear one day, and when that happens, I will say, "I knew her when..."
So, Carrie is my other "Princess," (but I swear, there are no others and I have STOPPED calling people anything other than what is on their driver's license - just isn't prudent).
To Carrie - I MISS YOU (tons)!
To "Princess" - Can I still stay at the "W" next week?
To everyone else, HAVE A GREAT TUESDAY!
"Kev's" Post Script:
I have to tell you... I have the SAME chain Brad Pitt is wearing in the photo above. It is a David Yurman rope chain from Bloomingdales... When I wear it, I feel a connection to Brad. It's special. I made the sales guy promise me I would feel "just like Brad" when I wore it...
If Princess Diana and Princess Grace could all share this earth, so can Carrie and JoAnn. Except we'll be the living princesses.
Love the first picture. whew!
And I beg to dinner, I know that you have donated more than a dime to charity this year and that you have donated time to worthy causes.... or at least attended them.
Obviously, I'm hungry. That was I beg to differ. Hopefully, one of your fine editing staff will catch that error and correct the post.
Princess -
You are always so wise - just another reason I love you so... I will call you tonight to discuss my upcoming reservation at the "W". Remember, please keep that little one quiet. While awfully cute, he scampers about a little too early in the morning. Is he getting anything for Christmas that makes a lot of noise, hence annoying me?
Mr. P -
Yes, I LOVE that picture too..Have you noticed the pictures are getting bigger? I actually had little control over the size of the pictures and didn't always know what they would look like when "published," but the kind folks at Google have updated the program allowing me to make the pictures SUPER BIG. And I think Brad should be SUPER BIG when here at the Corner, wouldn't you agree? I don't think attending your party can really qualify as "giving back to the community," in the true sense of giving, but I'll go with that! One of my 2007 resolutions is to "Give Back" so have more parties! I hope you are having a GR-EAT day!)
Yes, we knew you wouldn't beg to dinner. We (the whole staff) have seen your refrigerator.. no need to beg for dinner. The staff here knows how extremly intelligent you are and opted to let that slide. We are sure you were looking at the pic of Brad whilst commenting. Simple oversight. : )
Grrr... I have tried three times to leave a comment, but it never shows up. Do you have a word limit on your blog? I think my 5 paragraph comment may be just a tad too long.
Perhaps I'll just send it to you via email!
In my frustration, I forgot to sign my message. It was me: "Princess I."
I just sent an email directly to you, but wanted to publicly thank you for the gushing (and overexaggerated) tribute. I am not worthy - - - but thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless.
I agree with Princess. Ray Liottta is and always has been HOT!
Thanks Mr. D! I loves me some Ray Liotta!
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