City of Dreams...

"Kev" is back from the "City of Dreams" (and is quite tired) but is ecstatic to report that he, and B (ex) BFF (best ex-boyfriend forever), Steve, in fact made it from our "assigned" seats in Row 5 to Row 1 last night for Stevie Nicks's concert at Caesars Palace!

Not only did we stand at the base of the stage with a bunch of other 'mo's and 'bo's (can I say, "most awesome view!") BUT Stevie shook both "Kev" and Steve's hands after the show AND Stevie's sister-in-law/backup singer, Lori Nicks, blew "Kev" a kiss! Yes, I have met her a time or two in the past as well... She's a lamb and thought "Kev" and Steve were "cute" (she told me!). I told her we thought SHE was "cute!" (She thought that was "cute" too...)
The show was AWESOME and I know you will all be HAPPY to know that Stevie will be performing 7 more shows (2 in Florida and 5 in Las Vegas) in February and March AND she has a new "Greatest Hits" CD due out in early 2007!
I realize some of you may not enjoy the posts about Stevie, and to you I say, "I'm sorry. Really. I have NOTHING else... No children. No significant other. Not even a cat. Just Stevie."
Anyway, the show was "electrifying" and we had a GREAT time.
To Steve, what else can I say? THANK YOU for everything... (Who should we see next weekend?)
We also wanted to correct a statement made in a previous post. (We take our reporting seriously here you know...) We reported that Leonardo DiCaprio was "GQ Magazine's" "Man of the Year." We have since learned that "GQ" named a handful of "Men of the Year," and Leo was simply ONE of them. Leo is STILL "Man of the Year" here at "Kev's Corner" though.
Finally, click HERE to watch Stevie perform "Beauty and the Beast" (but only if you want to). This was "taped" at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas in 2005 ("Kev" and Steve were there that night too). This was Stevie's last song of the evening that evening as well as last night. I know what the song means but am too tired to tell you. Just enjoy it and create your own meaning.
The "rodeo" was also in Las Vegas this weekend, so I thought I would share this picture...
"Kev" is going to bed now. Hope you each had a GREAT Saturday night.
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