Welcome To Our New Home...

Hello again EVERYONE!
You are probably wondering why "Kev" shut down the "Corner" only to change addresses and open up shop again just a few days later... Crazy? Without a doubt!
Well, instead of telling you some half-truths, I am going to shoot straight from the hip and share something very personal (more personal than anything I have shared thus far, give or take a "crush" or two). As a matter of fact, this isn't "Kev" writing to you now, it's actually "Kevin" (so it's serious).
It is true that I am attempting to write a book. It is also true that maintaining a blog requires time, which has taken me away from the aforementioned "book." It is true that I struggle to find "HOT Guys" every Friday... (If it were up to me, it would be David Beckham, Monday through Sunday, but then you would just get bored, unless you are a straight guy and if that's the case, you probably don't care one way or the other.) It is also true that I enjoy "Kev's Corner." It has been a great way to keep in touch with friends and family all over the country (and world). I have felt "honored" that so many people in my life have read it and liked it.
I "shut down" the blog again in "haste" (which is so UNLIKE me since I always THINK before I act and am very pragmatic, don't you think? Not flakey at all...). Unfortunately, there isn't an "ARE YOU SURE?" warning before (or after) you hit "delete" within the Blogger program. (By the way, I wish there was an "ARE YOU SURE?" option for other decisions we make in life, but that's another post...) BUT, we are BACK.
We have, however, moved to this new address - www.kevandtracey5.blogspot.com.
I liked the last "HOT Guy" so much, I am sharing this photo of him as well.
Oh, before I forget... In case you were worried, the "staff" was never fired. They simply enjoyed a long holiday weekend.
Oh, before I forget... In case you were worried, the "staff" was never fired. They simply enjoyed a long holiday weekend.
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