Another GREAT Day To Be Gay...

Welcome back friends (and total strangers)!
If you are an ardent reader of the "Corner," you may have read a post titled, "A Great Day To Be Gay." To paraphrase that post, these are the times "Kev" celebrates and embraces his "gayness" (because, hey, what else can I do).
These "great days" happen when I least expect them, but I love the unexpected and crave spontaneity. Today was one of those days...
Just a few days ago, I let everyone know that Stevie Nicks would be performing in Las Vegas on December 8th and that "Kev," sadly enough, would not be attending. This morning, my very awesome (and handsome) ex-BF, Steve, whom you all just met this week (see "Memory Lane") called with tickets to the show. Not just tickets, but 5th row seats!. (He must have really liked what I wrote about him... Again, he is HANDSOME.)
As you can imagine, I am quite excited about this. We will, as we always do, work our way to the front row. This is probably the 20th time Steve and I have seen Stevie Nicks together and it is always fun. Steve, I PROMISE, I will behave this time...The last time I was taking (prescribed) Oxycontin (the drug all the stars are hooked on) for a pinched nerve in my neck/arm (very painful). Anyway, this very excited and drunk fan kept pulling my arm (the bad one), after I had asked her kindly, several times, not to touch me. Anyway, I told her a thing or two... Needless to say, we had to leave. Enough said.
To Steve - You are the BEST (ex) BF a gay could have. Thank you for making this happen (again...). See you in Las Vegas.
And lest my other wonderful (ex) BF, David, feels slighted, I should tell all of the readers that the only reason I met Stevie so many times was because of David... (Yes, my ex-BF's are the best, aren't they?) "Kisses" to both of you...
To all of my friends in Atlanta, Phoenix, San Francisco, Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and London (even though you don't celebrate), have a GREAT Thanksgiving.
As always, THANKS, for reading this silly blog...
Much love,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Kev!
Love ya!
Dear Aunt Edith -
As always, I love when you stop in. Give Grandma a big HUG for me and I hope you win BIG at the casino. Sorry I can't be there this year to lose my money with you. Love, Kev.
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