A Time To Celebrate...
Welcome back you! (How was that greeting? I hope the heart-felt sincerity jumped off the screen and made you feel welcomed here, like a hug.)
Today is another "special" day here at "Kev's Corner." You see, a few decades ago (give or take a year or two), a STAR was born. Not just a star, boys and girls, but a very fabulous "Princess." This "Princess" was SO excited to make her debut in the world, that she arrived in the car en route to the hospital (and then ordered a scotch on the rocks with a twist for the driver). Yes, that's true ("Kev" doesn't tell tales). That's just her way though - always make an entrance, always please the crowd. Razzle dazzle 'em. And with very little effort, razzle dazzle she does.
If you haven't guessed, today is my dear friend JoAnn's birthday. I think everyone knows the deep affection I have for JoAnn, but in case you are new here, let me bring you up to speed... In a word, she's the BOMB. The BEST friend a gay could ever have. She is beautiful, charming, intelligent, caring, dedicated and FUN. (I happen to know that her husband and children think she is quite special as well.) When I think about my friendship with JoAnn and the MANY memories I have (even when I am NOT drinking), my eyes well with tears because I feel SO fortunate to have a friend like her (and when I think of her when I am drinking, well, it's not pretty. AND when we drink together and talk about the friendship we share... OK, perhaps I have said too much. Let me stress, we are not alcoholics, although we think alcoholics are f-u-n, FUN (unless we have to pick them up off the living room floor, clean up their vomit or make excuses for their drinking). Anyway, we would never judGE Those of you wHo are, rEalLy People.
So although it is her birthday, and she will get the cake, I celebrate this day too.
Please raise your glass (whatever you are drinking, we won't tell) and help me give a big (gay) "Kev's Corner," HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish to one of my best friends...
To JoAnn, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, from all of us here at the "Corner," to you...
(I love you.)
Now turn up your speakers (even if you are at the office) and watch one of JoAnn's favorite bands, "The Killers" (yes, Brandon is cute) perform, "When You Were Young," by clicking HERE.
(JoAnn & Hubby, October 2006. Aren't they the cutest?)
You are officialy eulogizing me when I die!
Thanks for all the love. Everyone should be lucky enough to have such an extraordinary friend. No one would have room in their life for war or hate or anything ugly.
I love you!
And I remember her from when she was a junior high, getting to be a grown up thang. Happy Birthday, Princess!
"Kev" (is this your official name now, like "Cher"?)
I spent some time today reading your blog. Thanks for sharing.... (I loved the Black Pride recap since I saw you in action that night..) I have come to terms with the fact that your monicker for me is "Land Lady", and I can even accept what you wrote BUT can you please tell your readers that I am so NOT a lady and look nothing like that god-awful drag queen (otherwise, you're evicted).
You are a "f-u-n, FUN" guy and an awesome tenant. See you Sat.
Land Lord (I prefer Lord).
Hey LL!!!
Glad you aren't upset about what I wrote about you (I forewarned him). Now that you aren't selling the place, I will write another post to let everyone know how cool and stunning you are, and not at all lady-like. How's that? And in "crazy world," (where I live) we ARE married because both of our names appear in the mailbox..
I will come up with some other name to call you, but think you should start calling me "missus" now (and how bout some nice presents?). Yes, BP 2006 was fun. Have a good night :)
To Princess...
I can't eulogize you because I will be gone before you are sweetheart. Men don't live as long (even the gay ones) and I am already older than you, remember? So you can eulogize me or simply play that Toni Bassel song, "Hey Ricky" that I was always so fond of. Hugs and kisses to you and I hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner. I am guessing because you haven't called this evening that your special "surprise" hasn't arrived (yes, I sent a stripper..) OH, in addition to playing that Ricky song at my funeral, hire strippers (male ones). That would be special. XOXOXOXOXO
yes, they ARE the cutest! happy birthday, princess! i hope you get something sparkly!
Happy Birthday, Princess!
Even though I don't know you - I know you are special, because Kev thinks so highly of you, and we all know that Kev is the greatest friend in the world!
Have a great time!!
Boy, my head is going to swell. My Grandparents taught me to be humble, but thanks, for the kind words, Princess, LL & D&T! (It's not even my birthday...)
happy belated bday princess. you are fabulous. right down to your bass ballet flats.
maybe one of these days we'll talk in person and everything.
kev glad you are feeling better!
love ya both -sar
Aw, Sar, it's always nice when you drop in! Hope all is well at work and at home! Love ya!
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