Bon Anniversaire, Mate!

Jean, you may recall, named "Kev's Corner." She is actually the only friend who calls me "Kev." She is world traveled (yes, she's been everywhere) and educated, has a quick wit and is wickedly funny, which is why I have been relentless in asking her for a contribution to the "Corner." (We're waiting m'lady...We don't care if your daughter has a "play date" with "Apple," the daughter of, you got it, Gwyneth Paltrow. As a matter of fact, I think you should tell us about that or the number of times you have spotted Jude Law, "Madge," (who is known as Madonna here in the U.S.) the Queen, my favorite prince, Prince Harry, Hugh Grant, "Macca," "Screech" from "Saved By The Bell" or anyone else you fancy London people come across. Give us the goods, we're waiting...)
To our London friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, mate! Have a GREAT day. It's 11/11, make a wish...
I WILL see you this spring (yay)! Also, I would have sent you a card but I don't remember how many stamps it takes. I'm slow... (And no, we don't think you were adopted.)
To everyone else, here is one of my favorite pictures, besides all of the ones I have with Jean, taken last spring while visiting London. Their buses are amazing, aren't they?

Today is also Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday. Leo was born on this day back in 1974. He's an angel, isn't he? HAPPY BIRTHDAY Leo! You're HOT!

Yes, that is a great picture, however, I think there may be some reason other than the 'amazing bus' that makes you fancy it so! LOL
Your other 'royal' friend ;-)
Hello Dutchess!
If you are referring to the great theatre I caught in the West End, the couple awesome ties I picked up at a boutique, or the wonderful trifle I had at a street side bistro, than yes, those are all of the reasons I "fancied" London. (Now don't give my secrets away...)
What was very funny, to me, about this picture (the HOT guys in the ad on the bus) was that when I went back to London, I saw the bus ad and someone had drawn a heart with an arrow and the name "Davey" on the chest of the guy, like it was a tattoo, intimating that he is a 'mo. Those Brits sure are silly, aren't they?
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