Friday's HOT Guy... (Holiday)

I bet you were expecting to see Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, or Jude Law, weren't you? Not today my friend. This is a "Friday's HOT Guy" "holiday," like the "bank" holidays in Europe...
I thought I would share the very LAST photo I have from my childhood, which I call the "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis" picture. Yes, I know, I was cute back then.
This is the last childhood photo I have BECAUSE two years ago this month, some bastards (three to be exact) broke into my home in Phoenix and took everything, all of my pictures, and even my underwear. Sad, but true. They did, however, leave Cher's Farewell Tour DVD and a Playgirl magazine. Really, what more does a gay need? (Except a DVD player.)
I hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend!
Oh my - be still my heart! You were adorable then, which simply explains your tremendously handsome good looks these days!
I believe the song, "Simply Irresistible" should be plugged in here now!!!
Thank you friend...
You are as cute today as you were then.
*blush* - thank you...
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