Anna Nicole

Greetings from Chicago's O'Hare Airport, where the threat level is ORANGE and I have no idea what that means!
All good things must come to an end, including this visit to the Windy City, where temperatures remain in the single digits. Yes, "Kev" is on his way HOME!
Everyone here at the "Corner" was saddened Thursday by the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Anna's autopsy was inconclusive and the cause of her death is still unknown.
Barack Obama officially announced that he will be running for the White House in 2008. Good luck Barack! The "Corner," however, is officially endorsing Senator Hillary Clinton. Go HILLARY!
Remember to watch the 49th Annual GRAMMY Awards tomorrow night! (Check your local listings, because, frankly, I have no idea when they air.)
We hope EVERYONE has a GR-EAT Saturday! THANKS for stopping in.
Finally, thanks, again, to the W family and Steve for hosting me!

I might have to stop reading the Corner for endorsing Hillary over Barrack. Honestly thought the staff here at the corner were more informed or at least made attempts to be made aware of important issues such as this. GO OBAMA! P
Good morning! Actually, I care more about Anna Nicole's death right now than either of the presidential candidates, which should be the real reason you stop reading this blog. Perhaps you can post about "Why Obama Should Be President" and we will publish it here (remember to send a pic). Anyway, perhaps we were "hasty" in endorsing a candidate. We will most likely flip back and forth over the coming months, as the issues unfold, since, well, we can do that. We do, however, think Hillary's experience is far more vast than Barack's.
Anna Nicole
Rest In Peace
lol. Seems you are not the only one caring about Anna Nicole. She's everwhere. Very sad story....but the baby is the saddest part.
I'll see what I can do regarding the reasons Kev's Corner should endorse Obama and/or reasons Obama should be President. Welcome Back to Atlanta! Hope you had a fun and safe trip. P
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