Friday's HOT Guy...

Welcome everybody! It's GROUND HOG DAY!
Punxsutawney Phil, the official ground hog of Ground Hog's Day, did not see his shadow today, which, according to German folklore, means folks can expect an early spring instead of six more weeks of winter. We'll see...
Today is Farah Fawcett's 60th birthday and her doctors report that she is 100% cancer free. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARAH! No anal cancer for you!
Today's "HOT Guy" is actor Matt Damon. You all know him. He needs no introduction from us, right? Matt earns the dubious distinction of being "super cute" (and was GREAT in "The Departed"). We hope you enjoy these pictures.
"Kev" will be traveling on business for the next 8 days ladies and gentlemen and will be away from the "Corner." If you EVER wanted to contribute, NOW IS THE TIME. Perhaps you have a cause you would like the world to know about. We know some of you have been on vacation recently. Been to any concerts you would like to review? Met any celebrities? Have any fantasies? Hit any milestones? Rant, rave, we don't care. Yes, we are accepting your posts for publishing, so don't be shy! Send any posts to me via email, along with a pic, and we will publish it.
"The Killers" will be performing here in Atlanta at the "Fabulous Fox" theatre (which I can see from my window but have never been to) on Sunday, April 22nd. Tickets go on sale TOMORROW, February 3rd!
We hope to hear from you and we hope you have a GREAT weekend!
Finally, to help us celebrate the weekend, click HERE to watch Shakira perform "Hips Don't Lie." Today is Shakira's 30th birthday! CumpleaƱos Feliz SHAKIRA! I have to mention that Shakira is ONE of the many celebrities that "Kev" has MET! (She was very nice even though she sounds like a goat when she sings.) By the way, by a show of hands (or comments below), would everyone like to see pictures of the celebs "Kev" has come across over the years? While he really isn't a star stalker, he handed out gift bags to celebrities backstage at the Radio Music Awards in 2002 and was photographed with a melange of stars, who were either on their way up, down or out. ("I'm RICK JAMES, bitch!" Yep, I met him too!)
Much love,

I'd love to see photos of all the "celebs" you posed with!
And I remember that that's where you got the Olga watches that you so generously gave to me! You would be proud to know that I still have both of them, and am wearing the gold one now. I kid you not!!!
Things have been really hectic around here lately, so I haven't posted much - but I'm still reading. Have a great trip to Chicago!
I just realized my typo above - "Olga", rather than "Olgi."
I have no idea what an "Olga" watch would look like, but the image in my mind makes me think of a heavy, blond woman with pigtails.
(I don't know why I felt the need to correct this mistake, but here I am doing it! I just found it rather humorous, but that could be the lack of sleep kicking in.)
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