My Wish

Greetings from downtown Chi-town, where the current temperature is minus 9 degrees (Fahrenheit)!
"Kev" is "on assignment" (OK, he's on a business trip) but wanted to say "HEY" and "WHAT'S UP?" to all of you...
I will recap the week when I return to A-town, but I will tell you this... I stayed at the "W" over the weekend with Princess and HOTTIE Scottie. They both asked several times throughout the weekend, "You're not going to blog about this, are you?" and "This ISN'T going in the blog, is it?" They were actually on pins and needles. It cracked me up. Like I could unearth some dark side to the "W." Princess served gourmet style meals (seriously, I can't even pronounce most of what I had, it was just THAT fancy). HOTTIE toted my luggage and made sure to tell me I was always welcome. I think they were trying to buy my silence, don't you? The "menu" at the "W" was out-of-this-world, SENSATIONAL and the accomodations were, as always, IMPECCABLE. Five star aprons if you ask me. They make me feel "special" (and not in the retarded way) ALL THE TIME. All kidding aside, they are a lovely family and I always enjoy my time there. I wish you could ALL experience a weekend at the "W." Since I am gay, I will play the "gay card" one more time and tell you that I am always very sad when I leave their home. FORTUNATELY, I will be back there THIS weekend!
In other news, we all know the Chicago Bears lost Super Bowl 40 (can I just write it that way?) to the Indianapolis Colts last night. All I have to say is, "WOW, Rex Grossman is HOT."
Did everyone enjoy Prince's half-time performance? He's super cool, right? My Aunt Edith asked me to feature Prince in a future post, which I will do, but the picture below is just for her (you can look at it too though).
Finally, in a previous post, we shared a tribute video to Lance Bass that was set to Rascal Flatt's "My Wish." This song DOESN'T make me think of Lance Bass, but it does make me think of all the "children" (nephews and nieces) in my life and while they don't read this blog, I thought I would share it with those of you who do. The song is playing over and over and over in my head tonight... SO, click HERE to hear "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts.
We hope everyone has a GR-EAT week!
xoxo -

I miss you already and wanted to call about a hundred times yesterday to see if those people were keeping you warm on your tour. If Monday wasn't my "sheet-washin'" day, Anastasia Beaverhausen would have shown up, martini in hand!
Thanks for the pic of Prince, Kev! Makes me want to dig out my old vinyl album of Purple Rain, along with the "state-of-the-art" VHS tape of the same title.
When that movie first came out, I had to act "cool" and pretend I didn't like it, but now that I'm older and wiser (and don't give a damn what people think of me..haha.) I can say it's a classic!
Princess -
I thought of you on the "tour." You would have died. I will tell you all about it later this week. I can tell you, your menu is far superior to the Omni Hotel...
AE -
You know, your sentiment of Prince (and liking Purple Rain) is the same as mine and Rascal Flatts.
Have a GREAT night - "Kev" is heading out on the town!
Kev, hope you are in Boys Town tonight having a great time...... be careful babe.
AE, we both share the love of Prince a/k/a "sign formerly known as prince" k/n/a Prince. The half time show took me back to many good memories.
Princess and Hottie Scottie, hope to experience the "W" next time I'm in Chicago....... in warmer weather. Talked to friends earlier and it's COLD in C-town. God knows how you people endure and live in this cold.
Kev....stay warm or find someone to bring up the heat.
See in a warmer least 30 degrees warmer.
xxx ooo, Patrick
Well, Patrick, it's really all about layering, moisturizing, and using humidifiers. Oh, and an electric blanket. Essential. We pre-heat the beds well in advance of crawling into the soft flannel sheets. But really, I don't know how we endure it, either. It can be really sucky.
Hey "Kev" - hope all is well and you're surviving the arctic conditions. I think Prince and the Super Bowl went together the last time you watched it - you were probably at my (OK, my parents') house, back when I was in my big "I Love Prince" phase.
Glad to hear you're enjoying gourmet meals at the "W"! I'd say come up and visit, but all you'd get is some hasty post-work/school soup & sandwich (that's how we roll!) : )
Anyway - just wanted to say hi and drop a line if you get a chance!
Mr. C!
As always, it is an unexpected but pleasant surprise to hear from you! You know, your Super Bowl party was the very last Super Bowl party I think I have attended (and I do remember it!). I should have included that in the blog...I was thinking about you on Sunday! Sorry your team didn't win. I am working from downtown today, otherwise I'd swing by your office. I will write more (off the blog) when I am home next week. Stay warm!
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