Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday's (er...) HOT Guy...

Alright, you've been "Punk'd." (Is that show still on, BTW, or is that an outdated reference that makes me seem out of touch?) Today's HOT Guy is not a HOT guy, but is instead my favorite rock and roll icon, Stevie Nicks. (It's "Kev's Corner" so "we'll" do what we want... Throw convention to the wind/"switch it up." Plus, "we" can't think of a HOT Guy this week.)

I was catching up on my "Stevie" news last night and was thinking how "sad" (okay, not "sad" but perhaps disappointed) that I am because I will not be able to catch either of Stevie's shows in Los Angeles next month. (It's been a little more than two months since I have last seen her.) If you live in the L.A. area (um, Jimmy) - Stevie will be performing on February 1 at the "Fantasy Springs Resort & Casino" (what kind of place is that, anyway?) and on Saturday, February 2 at the Honda Center.

I also realized that earlier in the week, "we" (I, whoever...) neglected to explain that the song "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" (known by her fans as "HAEWAFY") was written by Stevie to Joe Walsh of the Eagles, whom Stevie dated for a long period of time. She also slams the men in her life in this song when she refers to them as "priests of nothing," which, in plain English, is a good-for-nothin'.

For those of you interested, I will tell you that Stevie, from what I have read, has now sold her homes in both Paradise Valley, Arizona and Los Angeles and is supposed to move into a rock 'n roll high rise in downtown L.A.. I used to love sitting outside the gates at Stevie's Phoenix home. Those were some special times. I will miss knowing where she lives. (Yes, I'm nuts.)

What is going on with the stock market? Financial analysts are predicting a recession and I can tell you that I have already lost a couple thousand dollars in the period of the last 4 days! (That's two front row seats/meet 'n greets at a Stevie Nicks concert!)

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? Whatever it is, "we" hope you enjoy yourself. Don't think about the recession. Relax. YOU work too hard. (Do you work? "We" don't know...)

"We" will be back when we feel like it.

Much love,

Priest of Nothing (aka, "Kev")

The picture below is of a display at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport (that I have seen in person MANY times)

This picture was sent to "us"/me by Stevie's #1 fan, Alicia... (I used to do that very pose when I was, like, 20.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bat shit crazy. That is you, my dear!

I hope you're feeling better and ready for your weekend festivities!

3:36 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

My only wish is that you could be here...

12:27 AM  

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