Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year

Hey BITCHES! Guess who's back? Me, that's who. C'mon in.


"Kev" is now home from his travels and just wanted to say "wut up!?;"

By now, you have all heard about Britney, her melt-down/hospitalization, and Dr. Phil coming to her rescue. He's a douche bag, I think.

How about the Iowa caucus? "We" were certain Hillary would win it, but what do "we" know?

Well, that's all I care to write about right now. "We'll" be back later in the week with some new posts!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're back!

On the political front, I am once again feeling crabby. I just read on that Obama has a double digit lead over Clinton. I know that my crappy congressman gets his jollies seeing my bumper sticker choice lose. Oh, well.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

Hey Gorgeous!
I agree, nobody likes a loser. To think, I am already volunteering. I like Edwards the best, so I am not sure why I agreed to work the phones for Hillary? It's not too late to put another sticker over the one you already have on your bumper. Play it safe and put one on the bumper for each of the Democratic candidates. Kisses!

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kev!
glad to see you're back. how were your trips?

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Good point w/the bumper sticker suggestion.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back Kev. Hope you had a great trip. I'll probably get hate mail for saving this, but it's hard not to feel sorry for Brit. She has got some serious issues....... a screw or two loose. As far as politics, John Edwards is the cutest don't you think. ;-)

smootches~ patrick

1:29 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

Hey all!
The trip was fine. I love the city of San Francisco...
I feel somewhat "sorry" for Britney too. The bitch can't go nowhere without people up her ass. I think I would go crazy as well.
Yes, I think John Edwards is dreamy. I think Obama is going to win the Democratic nomination though (which is fine, but I don't think he is sexy). Bye everyone!!

8:11 PM  

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