Monday, December 10, 2007


A stitch in time saves nine. You give me fever. River deep, mountain high. Workin' on some night moves. Okay, I'm delirious. I don't know what I'm writing about. I will try again tomorrow!

OH, you WILL want to come back tomorrow... "Kev" (yes, still "me") received a few photos from a Stevie Nicks "super-fan" (the "superest," if you ask me) and I can't wait to share them with you. I will tell you all about our friend and super fan, and share her pictures tomorrow!

Until then, Hugs!


What kind of a self-respecting gay references Bob Seger music, anyway? Not a very good one, but perhaps someone will enjoy this video...

This is a little better/gayer/what you expect here, right? (Yes, it's in my iPod.)

(Oh, no, I didn't write the word "perfection" across David Beckham's photo above... I am not THAT silly... This was swiped from Perez Hilton's blog.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. who's the fan? I can't imagine!

How was your adjustment?

11:22 PM  

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