Friday's HOT Guy...

It's Friday (YAY!).
Today's "Friday's HOT Guy," the last of 2006, is a "HOT Guy Extravaganza..." A HOT Guy "blowout," if you will. While we wanted to create a "collage" of our favorites, the formatting in the program is limited, so here they all are, in a row...
Here are some of your nominations as well as some of our "favorites"...
Please let us know if any of YOUR nominations haven't been featured and we will work diligently to highlight them. (After all, we aim to please, especially because we know your high standards and that there are other blogs you can, and do, read.)
Also, KEEP YOUR NOMINATIONS (AND PICTURES) COMING! And, of course, your contributions... We know you each have your own stories to share and we would LOVE to post them. If it were up to "Kev," this blog would be devoted to David Beckham, Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt and Stevie Nicks, of course, BUT we know there are many others you would like to see...
We are also looking at redesigning the format of the blog (changing the color scheme, adding a unique banner, etc... AND we are looking at getting "Kev's Corner" tee-shirts like some other blogs offer. How cool would that be? IF you have contributed to the "Corner," you will get yours FREE! The rest of you will be getting them for your birthday). We have also been approached about adding "adsense" or "adware" to the blog, you know, a bunch of ads promoting gay related businesses, which would generate some income for "Kev," however, we are still reluctant to do this. The blogs we have seen with ads, in our opinion, do not look good. And frankly, I think more heterosexuals stop in here anyway and I don't want to subject you to it. For the pennies we would earn, it doesn't seem worth it at this time... Your feedback IS appreciated... Do you like the black background with white letters? Any ideas for a unique banner? Let us know!
Anyway, here are the "HOT Guys..."
Mario Lopez...

Gay fundraising (do-gooder), Jorge Valencia...

Reichen Lehmkuhl... (we don't care for the tattoo...)

Scissor Sisters front man, Jake Shears.... (He's not really "HOT," but he is FUN so we are throwing him in here...)

Kevin -
You know, none of these guys "do it" for me. I vote for more Harry Connick, Jr. I hope you have a "Happy New Year".
I like Harry too...I will "feature" him again. Happy New Year to you too!
I am a few days behind, so you may not even read my comment...
But, just in case you do, I nominate Nick Lachey. He's about the only HOT GUY that I would consider marrying. (If I weren't already married, that is.) ;)
Hey Carrie!
Happy New Year! You know, I like Nick Lachey too...If you click on "October" and scroll to 10/6, there is a pic of Nick BUT I will feature him again. I would like to marry him as well... (After David Beckham, of course.) He seems like a "nice" guy.
I would L-U-V to put a pic of you up...Can you send me one?
P.S. Anytime a comment is left, it is sent to me via email, so I won't miss a comment. I reply to all of them too.
Thanks for posting all the hot guys...especially Mr. Valencia. OK, and all the other hot latino and Indian men I nominated. Hope your 2007 has gotten off to a great start. P
P -
I searched for more pictures of Jorge, but alas, that is the only one I could find (the one you sent me). I hope you are "happy" now... I will keep your proclivity in mind for future posts. You'll have to let me know how I do.
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