Friday's HOT Guy...

We asked for your help and you heeded our call! THANKS to those who submitted their "HOT Guy" nominations. We have to say, you really "thought outside the box," "took one for the team," "landed a triple salchow," "hit one out of the park," and "tackled the request head on!" What does all of this sports rhetoric mean? WE LOVED YOUR NOMINATIONS!
While we will use every one's nominations, today's "HOT Guy" is actor Jason Lewis. I have to say, "WOW," how did I NOT know who he was? He looks a little like my boyfriend, David Beckham, which makes him essentially perfect.
Here are some facts about Jason (a few liberties have been taken, but it's all true)...
Most Recent Role: Chad Berry on Brothers & Sisters
Gender: HOT Male (duh!)
Birthplace: Newport Beach, California, USA
Birthday: 6-25-1971
When Jason was a HOT teenager, he was determined to go see the HOT world (and to look HOT while seeing it). In order to do so, he had to work hard. He worked in plumbing and he was a waiter. HOT. In June of 1993, when it was HOT, he finally had enough money collected and went to Paris at the suggestion of a HOT model scout (HOT gay lover). At the end of 1993, he landed a HOT GUESS? campaign and his career increasingly boosted. HOT.
Please enjoy these HOT pictures of HOT Jason Lewis (and THANKS to HOT Mr. P. for the HOT nomination). OK, I am getting on my own nerves now. Sorry for the overuse of the word "HOT." No (almost) 40-year-old, albeit gay, man should use the word HOT excessively, however, this is also our "tribute" to Paris Hilton who turns 26 tomorrow!

We hope that all of you HOT GUYS and HOT GALS have a FANTASTIC Friday! "Kev" will be back on Saturday with a post you WON'T want to miss! (OK, we are fudging...We don't know what we will post on Saturday, so we can't accurately determine if you will or will not want to miss it, but hope you will come back anyway.)
Finally, I meant to share THIS song with all of you on Wednesday, but was remiss. (My head was up my ass or something.) Anyway, "Kev" can muddle his way through this song on the piano. It is one of my favorite songs and I hope you enjoy it too. It is called "Valentine" by Jim Brickman, although many people call it, "My Valentine" by Martina McBride (which is incorrect).
Muchos Nachos, Tacos!
Jason was also the HOT lover of Samantha Jones on Sex and the City - the only man to tame her wild ways. Of course, they were still wild together, but she finally found love. Kev, the next time you're at the W, you can watch him on DVD, since I have all six seasons of SATC. The Absolut ad is from one of his earlier episodes.
Am I the only one who didn't know who he was? You know, you should be the "creative/cultural director" of the "Corner.." If it weren't for you, "Kev" wouldn't be a fan of "The Killers" or the "Scissor Sisters," two of my now favorite groups! I should tell everyone that you can also take responsibility for me ditching the toupe! I didn't know where that Absolut ad came from either, but I came across it and thought it was "winning." Hope that nasty cold will be gone soon. Love ya!
Kev, as I said in my email what kind of gay man does not know Jason Lewis. ;-) Thanks for accepting my bid for today's hot guy. Even at almost 40, you cannot use the term HOT enough when speaking of Mr. Lewis. For some reason, I thought I had previous sent the Absolut ad with a nomination. Anyway, he is HOT and love those baby blues.
Scissor Sisters, Killers, Panic at the Disco..... I'm so proud of your new found musical interest. Have them all on my Ipod. I'm sure it shocks you that the Sisters are usually playing. ;-)
Happy Friday all. P
Mr. P -
As we have discussed, again, via email...I am a "straight" man TRAPPED in a "gay" man's body. Admittedly, you are a (very) "gay" man trapped in a "straight" man's body (LOL - that cracked me up!). I don't recall seeing the Absolut ad BUT if you sent it to me, my apologies for not posting it sooner. (I now have two months worth of HOT Guys...) While Jason is certainly "HOT," my favorite remains David Beckham. I think of him every night before bed, hoping to see him in my dreams...(That's gay, right?) I also have to shamefully admit...I didn't own "Ta-Dah" until TODAY because Princess chided me last week for NOT knowing the lyrics to one of the songs (I am learning them RIGHT NOW, and they are HARD)..I am NOT very gay, am I? I swear Princess, who is lovely and very feminine and the perfect home-maker/mother/wife, was a gay man in a past life. You two would get along fabulously. Thanks again for reading this and for offering up HOT Guys. You can join Princess as an official "cultural/creative director." You BOTH should start your own blog though since it would be WAY more fun than mine.
Ciao for now!
I've suddenly got a "hankerin'" for some Absolut Vodka! :-)
Your nomination is NEXT! Have a good weekend!
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