Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday's HOT Guy...

8-6-7-5-3-0-9. (Everyone remember that "diddy?")


Today's "HOT Guy" is, you got it, J.C.! (Am I going to Hell for this?)

This man needs no introduction, right? You've read his book. You've seen his movies. He's international star (of Nazareth, I think), Jesus Christ!

Personally, if I met J.C. at a club, I would not hit on him... Sure, he walks on water and turns water into wine, but he's too hairy. No sense of fashion. Not my type. BUT, we know this guy means the WORLD to a lot of you and that this weekend, J.C. will be in YOUR thoughts. Unless you're Jewish.

Please enjoy these Jesus pictures (and have a GR-EAT (not GOOD) FRIDAY!).

"Kev" will be back (if he isn't struck by lightening) on Saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Kev, I have my very own J.C. action figure. He sits to my left, near the computer. Thanks, J.C.! You're the best!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Kev said...

It was GREAT talking with you this morning. You never fail to make me laugh. When is your comedy act opening?

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a sense of humor too, you know! Love the blog!
-J.C. :-)

7:04 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

Jeez, WOW, THANKS for stopping in! We know you could be a LOT of other places on this Good Friday... I am relieved the post didn't secure my eternal damnation (because there are a lot of other reasons for sending me there besides this post). HAPPY EASTER!

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kev! Stopping by to wish you & yours a very HAPPY & BLESSED EASTER! Hope you are having a terrific weekend. Hugs Deb

5:44 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

Hi Deb!!
Thanks for stoppin' in! I hope you have a TERRIFIC Easter weekend as well! I will vist the CAFS soon! (Just been super busy this week...)
HUGS back atcha!

5:48 PM  

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