Friday's HOT Guy...
It's Friday the 13th! Welcome BACK!
I am not going to mince words, "Kev" is wild-eyed and sleep deprived (and has been most of the week). Just a LOT going on. You didn't come here to hear me complain though, right? I am starting to sound like Paula Abdul, you know, "I'm exhausted" (without the pain meds), but I am EXHAUSTED.
First, as reported previously, "our" friend Jimmy is leaving the A-T-L... TODAY is his LAST day. He is going to be missed. Greatly.
Last week "we" reported that an (anonymous) friend doesn't read the "Corner," he simply looks at the pictures... He contacted me (I mean, "us") and apparently DOES read the blog (not just look at the pictures). He asked that "we" print a retraction (you know, like real publications do when they "f" up). Please accept our apologies (but there will be a quiz next week).
Next, "Princess" (et al) are heading off on holiday. "We" would like to say "have FUN!" (And call "us" as SOON as you return.)
(This is really just becoming my online diary, isn't it?)
Finally, now that all of the business is out of the way... Today's "HOT Guy" is 30-year-old, British actor, Orlando Bloom. (You've seen his pirate movies - I don't need to tell you any more.) Our "props" to "Kitten" for the nomination...
I have to say, I didn't realize how "HOT" Orlando is until I started scouring the internet for pictures.
I hope you all have a GR-EAT Friday! "Kev" WILL be back on Saturday.
yea! i love that cute little orlando. i'm probably old enough to be his mom, but there it is.
bye jimmy! didn't know ya, but good luck in your new place.
have fun on your vacation, princess (and the rest of the royal family)!
try and get some sleep this weekend, kev!! xxoo
Thanks for the kind travel wishes. We're heading off to our nation's capitol. It's our first time in DC and we're all very excited.
wonderful! be sure to check out the holocaust museum if you can...very moving and powerful. enjoy...DC is a fabulous place.
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