Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday's British Guy


What's going on in YOUR world? It's Friday once again. (Don't you just LOVE Fridays...)

I don't know who the guy above is, but when I "googled" "British guys," his picture came up. We'll go with it.

Next week at this time, yours truly will be across the "pond" visiting one of my favorite cities... LONDON (mates)! Then it's on to Paris (bonjour) and then to Barcelona (hola). I can't wait. I haven't been on vacation since January and it's TIME I think. I'm wound a little tight these days, but you may have sensed that.

Enough of ME. Let's discuss YOU. Let "us" know what YOU are up to. (If we like your comment, "we'll" publish it... YES, I feel like a Nazi banning comments, but "we" deal with the real world on a daily basis. Here at the "Corner," we're all far left, equal rights, pro-choice, anti-war, Obama-lovin' folk.)

Breast cancer survivor Olivia Newton-John turned 60 today! She's cute. I love her. I loved her in "Sordid Lives."

Who's watching the debate tonight? I can't WAIT!

Hugs -


Watch this...

Then watch this...


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