Thursday, October 16, 2008

Princes William & Harry

Wut up ho's? (hee hee).

It's THURSDAY! Did everyone catch last night's final Presidential debate? (I still don't know if "presidential" should be capitalized or not?)

Here's a story reported yesterday regarding who gays prefer (Prince William or Prince Harry)... If you read the "Corner" regularly, than you know where "we" stand on the topic ("we" have always preferred Harry to William - he just looks like a lot more fun, doesn't he?)

More than a third those questioned expressed a desire for a romance with Harry while William received 23 per cent of the vote. A third of the single gay men said they would steer clear of both.

William's girlfriend Kate Middleton was named as the most lusted after royal date among the nation's lesbians.

The Prince Charming poll was conducted by dating website and found that 23 per cent of lesbians wanted to date Miss Middleton compared with just 18 per cent who wanted to get close to Chelsy Davy.

Five per cent said they would date both the girls but more than half said they did not fancy either.

Adrian Gillan, spokesman for gay-PARSHIP, said: "This fraught romantic vote suggests divided royal loyalties.

"Indeed, many gay male singles are so torn they say they would need to date both our young princes, whose female love interests prove only slightly less of a queer pull.

"Being part of an inclusive, modern monarchy, William and Harry will be delighted that they and their close circle can arouse such strong emotions from Britain's homosexual subjects.

That's IT folks - I gotta go.

Love -



Blogger Lindsay family said...

Once again, you amaze me with your ability to find interesting news stories. Whatever would I do without you?

And by the way, I prefer William. Apparently we do not have the same taste in men. ;)

There's just something about the name Harry that doesn't much appeal to me.

7:56 AM  

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