Sunday, April 26, 2009


It's SUNDAY people!

How are YOU? I am GR-EAT (all in caps to express the excitement I feel)!

Fleetwood Mac's "Unleashed" tour brought the band to Charlotte, North Carolina last night and "Kev" (hey, that's ME!) and very hot friend, Steve, were at the stage (arms resting on it the entire show) in front of, you guessed it, STEVIE NICKS! (Lindsey also came to my/our side of the stage and played a guitar solo at my feet!) I don't know how I manage to do it time and time again, especially because our tickets were for the 7th row, but I do. (No one ever tells me to go back to my seat or checks my ticket. Last night we were at the stage before the show even started.) This show marked the 52nd time I have seen Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks in concert.. Both Stevie and Lindsey made eye contact with, you guessed it, ME, at different points in the show. I smiled and waved and shouted, "I love you. You rock. You're the best," which is also what I shout during intimate times with dates. Anyway, they played for almost 3 hours and the set included all of their "hits!" The venue was very nice and the weather in Charlotte was perfect for a summer concert. This Tuesday Fleetwood Mac will be here in Atlanta and "Kev" and friend Zane will be having a buffet dinner before the show with Mick Fleetwood!

Okay, that's it for now.




Blogger dmarie said...

wow! what a fun concert life you lead! :) i was on a dusty field watching rosie score the winning run in the last regular season game...put her team in first place!!

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW 52 shows? That is awesomely unbelievable. I have never attended a meet and greet with The Mac, although I did wait in line for hours at Cosco to say hi to Mick and have him sign my wine bottles from his vineyard. Short, but thrilling nonetheless. I hope you enjoy your experience Tuesday. ~Vivienne

4:40 AM  
Blogger Kev said...

Hey Kitten!
I am working on coming to Phoenix for the show in Glendale... I will keep you posted!

Vivienne -
THANKS for stoppin in here! What a neat experience YOU had! I didn't even know Mick had a vineyard!!

2:04 PM  

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