
It's New Year's Eve, friends...
Here's wishing you each a "Happy New Year" and all the best for 2007!
At this time of year, I look back and am grateful for the many people who continue to remain an important part of my life, and to you, I say "THANKS, GRACIAS, MERCI, DANK U, DANKE, GRAZIE and TACKA DIG." I am also thankful for those of you whom I met just this year.
Do people still make resolutions? I have to say, I typically don't, although I have made 3 for '07. The first, as you know, is to "GIVE BACK," by keeping those less fortunate in mind throughout the year, including all the creatures we share this planet with. While I have commented that "2007 IS ALL ABOUT KEVIN," this couldn't be farther from what I really think (I just like to rhyme whenever I can, it's fun). (Although, 2011 MIGHT be all about Kevin, we'll see...) I am surrounded by living examples of those who give their time and money to people or causes in need, so I am simply trying to emulate the good I see in others, including many of you who stop in here at the "Corner." I am no super-hero.
Nearing 40 (which, for me, is like walking to the gallows) has forced me to do a LOT of introspection and to take stock in what I have, what I have accomplished, what I don't have and what I have not accomplished. Someone suggested to me that this blog is part of a mid-life crisis, and to that I say, "CERTAINLY! YOU GET IT!" My second "resolution" (which probably sounds simple and trite), is to "BE THE BEST I CAN BE" (or at least a little "better" than I have been). I can't articulate (in writing) what this means, but it is basically the notion that I can achieve more and be even "better" than I have been. No, I can't change the world, BUT I can always make improvements to "Kev's."
My 3rd resolution is to keep working on the book project. It is a slow and painful process, but a LOT of fun at the same time. It is nowhere near completion, but I "dream" of the day when I can tell you that "XXXXXXX XXXXX XX XXXX XXXXX XX XXX XXXX," (book title) is complete...
However you ring in the new year, be safe! Also, if you are someone who makes resolutions, we wish you the "best" in sticking to them. We will be BACK next year (i.e., tomorrow).
Much love,
Finally, we have spent the last 3 hours trying to upload pictures from this past year of as many of you as we could (yes, that includes ALL of you), however, we are experiencing "technical difficulties" with the photo program, so our photo tribute to YOU will have to wait. However, the one picture below is of my friend, Terry, and his BFF, Renee. This picture was taken at Christmastime in 2003...

Hey K -
R U alive today?
C -
YES! I am even online! Time to start work on all those resolutions! I am heading to the treadmill right now! Good seeing you. Thanks for reading the blog!
P.S. Just so you know, I haven't had a drink since last week... I am being a very good boy. Water for me, thank you!
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