This post is coming to you a little late on this Friday evening because, as you know, "Kev" had a "date" with "HOT Guy" REICHEN LEHMKUHL! (Well, sort of...)
As previously reported, Reichen is traveling the country promoting his book, "Here's What We'll Say." Tonight "Kev," along with dear friend "Kitten," MET Reichen IN PERSON! (Friend Jimmy also hung out for a bit to help keep "Kev" "grounded," but departed before Reichen arrived, when he realized his efforts were futile.) Frequent calls were placed to "Princess" throughout the night, which helped "Kev" enjoy the experience.

First, let me tell you... When "Kev" wants something, he gets it... Well, MOST of the time. (I wish I had bigger aspirations. Makes me wonder what I might accomplish...) "Kev" not only had the #1 ticket (see above) to "meet" Reichen, he also sat directly in front of him, an arm's length away, the closest of any of the participants in the room. Can I just say he is even more STUNNING in person and VERY nice! He was dressed casually in great looking jeans and a black "rock star-ish" shirt. His watch was bejeweled with diamonds and his black shoes were shiny. (And yes, I wondered, but didn't ask, what underwear he was wearing, because, as you know, among his MANY talents/skills, etc., he is also an underwear model and has sported many brands.)
I also want to mention that Reichen, before he spoke, sat right next to, and chatted up, Kitten - one of only two heterosexual females in the place. (The other gal was with Reichen.) Kitten just has this quality that draws people in and Reichen seemed to adore her. His eyes lit up when they spoke. They talked about the fact that they are both from Ohio and June (I mean, "Kitten") mentioned that she knows some top-ranking official in the U.S. Air Force, whom Reichen also knows (I think). Jealous? Of course! "Kitten" even said I was turning a bit red and was going to offer to switch seats with me. It never fails though. She upstages the best of 'em without even trying.

Reichen spoke about his book, his time as a "closeted" pilot in the U.S. Air Force, winning "The Amazing Race," and about his relationship with Lance Bass. For the record, Reichen stated that the press reports of their "split" were not accurate. They did not break up and are still a couple. It was evident that he cares deeply for Lance and referred to him as "baby" a couple of times. (I cried when I learned this news - it devastated me because I thought I was "baby." I almost said, "We're outta here." I mean, what was the point, really?)
"Kev," as mentioned, was the first to meet Reichen after the presentation and, unlike other celebrities I have met, I had some time to talk with him and it flowed somewhat naturally (i.e., I didn't cry and run away like the first time I met Stevie Nicks) although I was VERY wound up ALL night and everyone around us knew it. (I reminded everyone I was #1 and would "clock" anyone who got in my way.) When Reichen said he needed to get rid of his gum, I offered to take it from him. I can't remember exactly what his reply was but remember him starting a story and then saying, "We won't go there." I told him ALL about "Kev's Corner" and that he was the "FIRST EVER" "HOT Guy" to be featured here. He blushed and said, "Thank you." I asked if he minded that people used pictures of him on their own personal blogs, web pages, etc., like we have done here and he told me that it is "OK." We talked about "Perez Hilton" and we agreed that neither of us cared for him. Reichen is suing him at this time (and we hope he WINS). I asked him how credible reports in "People Magazine" are (because, well, that's where we get the news we bring to you) and he said that, in regards to his alleged "split," that "People" had an unreliable "source." I also asked if the reports about death threats on his life for writing his book were true, and he said yes and explained the threats in more detail.
I was overcome with "giddiness" the entire afternoon/evening but luckily the folks sitting around us seemed to take it in stride and did not tell me to "be quiet" like I have been told in the past (I should tell you about the night Kitten and I MET singer Kim Carnes, of '80's "Bette Davis Eyes" fame...).
Kitten was kind enough to snap some photos, which we will post upon receipt AND "Kev" had his picture taken with Reichen by a professional photographer, which we will share as soon as we receive it. Let me just say, I am still carrying some extra holiday weight and, let's face it, it's hard to look good standing next to Reichen.
To June, THANKS for sharing in my excitement! I love you. (June has been out of the state, and country, for the past two months. She arrived back in Atlanta around 4:00 p.m. today and came almost directly to the event.)
Finally, Reichen signed "Kev's" copy of "Here's What We'll Say," to me, and well, to all of YOU, which you can see below.
L-U-V (a VERY excited),
"Kev" Lehmkuhl
(Yes, we were "married" in a private ceremony this afternoon. So private, Reichen wasn't even there. Don't tell Lance.)
I'm sure you are still floating through midtown.... Sorry I missed it. Wish I would have been #2 and got to see your BF in person. I'm off to bed so I can go run in the morning. Talk to you soon.
Libations, P
I was "wound up" all day. Even took a valium (no lie) before the event. It didn't do a thing though. Just too excited. What I didn't share in the post was that I was also the FIRST to spot Reichen walking to Outwrite (down 10th Street)with his PR lady and I proclaimed, "There's REICHEN!" Then, when he entered the front door, I was the ONLY person to clap! It was slightly embarrassing, but I'm not proud. Those bitches, i.e., other gays at the event, knew I meant business and they heeded my warning. (Oh yea, I told them I would claw out the eyes of anyone who got in my way...In a NICE way, of course.)Good luck with your run tomorrow (later today...) and thanks for indulging my fascination with Reichen!
What a great experience! Don't let that autograph end up on Bingo's Ebay! *smile*
That was fun to read! You always do such a good job of expressing yourself, and I felt like I was sitting right there next to you - witnessing it all.
Have a great weekend!
Dear AE -
Your comment cracked me up! If the readers knew how CUTE G-Ma is and how she loves her ebay, they would crack up too! I am thinking, if she couldn't sell the REAL Mick Jagger autographed picture I gave her, that there may not be much demand for Reichen. The place last night was packed (although it was a bookstore) and I really seemed to be the most excited person in the place. So, if "bingo" puts it up on ebay, you know I will just bid on it. Love ya!
Hey Carrie!
Thanks for reading it and THANKS for sharing in my excitement! I don't know why I am both "boy crazy" and "star struck," (or as I call it, "13-year-old hoochie girl syndrome" (add that to the V.A.S I suffer from and boy, I am quite a mess, huh?) I would love to meet more of the "HOT Guys" featured here, so perhaps I should go back to featuring my friends. It takes a lot of effort, energy and sometimes money to meet some of these people so I don't know how many celebrities to meet I have left in me. I will write about 2002 when I met just a slew of celebrities backstage at the radio music awards in Las Vegas too (but many people, including you, have probably heard all about that since it is "old" news). Finally, if anyone can provide a better name to my condition, "13-year-old hoochie girl syndrome," let me know! Have a great weekend!
P.S. I am NOT picking on 13-year-old girls that happen to be boy-fixated or overly sexually active when describing this second condition of which I am afflicted. Actually, there are probably 13 year old gay boys suffering from the same thing, just like I did (without the sex, of course..). I wanted to clear this up since many of my friends have VERY darling daughters who are NEITHER boy crazy nor are they hoochies. I am talking about the bad girls from the "wrong side" of the tracks (where I lived...) OK, just another metaphor. BYE!
Kevin -
Glad you had such a good time. Yes, you are boy crazy (let's say man crazy, that sounds better). Remember, we watched several of the "amazing race" episodes todgether. The night of the finale, I was just thankful that the "hot" guys you had wanted to win all season actually won. I think you might have broken something or cried if they hadn't. Have a nice weekend.
You are RIGHT! I was very relieved when they won! I hope you have a great weekend too!
Loved reading this! The description of his watch as "bejeweled" had me giggling. I'm so glad you met your boy! I'm surprised he spoke about Lance - any juicy details? Not that I need to know in order to pretend he was talking about me... no, no, not the reason at all..
great job!
- Caroline
Dear Caroline -
First, THANKS for stopping in and reading the post! (I am really glad you enjoyed it!) I am still reeling from meeting Reichen! About his watch - it was AWESOME. Not too gaudy, but tasteful and I kept looking at it. I think it was a Rolex, but I am not sure. About Lance...Let's see...He mentioned that Lance had his (Reichen's) mother wrapped around his finger, he talked about Lance's "coming out" being "all Lance" (not persuaded by Reichen), he mentioned that they keep their careers separate from one another (don't travel together), that Lance is very competitive, and that they are both intense people who don't comingle their business affairs. You got the sense that he really cared about Lance, which I thought was "nice." No "intimate" details (like is Lance a great kisser or anything). Anyway, thanks again for reading the blog. I hope you will bookmark the site and stop in again! Goodnight!
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