Lily, Lance (and Kylie)

It's "HUMP DAY" (YAY!)
I have to ask, IS ANYONE STILL READING THE BLOG? We haven't received comments in days, people... The staff is discouraged. Here's how it works... We spend lots and lots of time writing lots and lots of drivel and putting up pictures of people we think you will enjoy. You comment on the drivel, and/or pictures, every once in awhile, OK? (Are you sensing that we, OK I, am not quite back to normal? You know, I have had a VERY difficult week. Cranky isn't my "M.O.," but it's just where I'm at right now - work with me.) In our maiden post, we said that this blog should not replace your daily dose of CNN (or any other credible news source). We have re-thought that and believe that it should. Here, on an almost daily basis, you will find everything you will need to know to make small talk at the office, in the classroom, in the courtroom, the brothel, the county jail, or wherever it is you spend your day. The facts presented here are almost always accurate (we strive for 67% of the things we say to be true, so you should have some confidence when you relay our facts). Our spelling, however, is impeccable and you can rest assured that almost every word will be spelled the way it should be!
Here are the headlines for TODAY...

As of this writing, there have been 3,018 U.S. casualties in Iraq. Tonight, President Bush announced his plan to send over 20,000 more troops. (I have to admit, I didn't watch his speech. I was actually at a bar, NOT drinking, but watching Kylie Minogue videos (she's HOT), so I don't know what he said, but the thought of more loss of life is simply sickening to me.) While I haven't done my "Year In Review," you know, a recap of all the "fun" and "noteworthy" things that happened in "Kev's" world in 2006, I did look back in my journal (yes, I keep one - it highlights important activities, concerts, one night stands, travels, etc...). Anyway, back in January of 2006, I traveled on a flight from somewhere to somewhere else (my notes are VERY detailed) and I was one of few "civilians" on a flight full of Marines heading BACK to Iraq. My first impression was that they all looked like babies. It was VERY sad to me, although they were all "up beat," even when I asked, "Isn't war scary?" (Which is exactly what I wrote in the journal.) Way too young to be going to war in my opinion. I hate war and think it should be reserved for older people who have at least lived a little, not 18, 19, or 20-year-olds. I think this should be an international law. All soldiers from all countries should be at least 75, don't you think? I think the war would be over by now if that were the case. Because really, when you are 75, or even 39 like me, who cares? There's no reason for war and a 75-year-old would "get" that (hopefully). (Sort of like how I feel about Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's marriage woes.)
On a sad note, actress Yvonne De Carlo, best known as "Lily Munster" of "The Munsters" died today at the age of 84. I loved that show, didn't you? "Grandpa," who was played by Al Lewis, who passed away in February of 2006, was my favorite. I believe the only cast members still living are Butch Patrick, "Eddie," and Pat Priest, "Marilyn," whom I have recurring dreams about. (I don't know why, but that's TRUE.)

Lance Armstrong was in Washington D.C. today, pushing politicians to devote more funding towards cancer research. Each day, 1,500 Americans die of cancer (I did NOT know that. That is a LOT of people...) Anyway, I can't think of a hotter guy championing for a better cause, can you?

Despite our poor attitude (OK, just mine), we are HAPPY that you stopped in and we HOPE you are having a good week!
"Kev" will be back tomorrow.
Ciao babes!
Finally, please join us in paying tribute to Yvonne De Carlo by turning your speakers way up high and clicking HERE.
Good morning, Kevin!
Sorry you're having such a rotten week. And I HAVE been reading your blog, each and every day... but haven't commented, so I apologize.
I will try to do better!
P.S. I think you actually ARE one of my top news sources, at least for the celebrity stuff. I hadn't heard about Faith and Tim... Just read an interview about her last month, and it sounded like her marriage was fine. Guess no one's safe.
Positive thoughts for the rest of the week.. Two more days 'til Friday!!
I read Kev's Corner every day too! It''s even better than the National Enquirer! :-)
YAY! My "let's increase dialogue campaign" is WORKING! Actually, I do know that the regulars are still stopping in. (You, Princess, Sar, Kitten, P, etc.) but think I may be losing readership (can you believe that??). Plus, I am just in a bad mood this week (yikes!). About Tim and Faith...I got that "nugget" from a less than reliable source, but the way celebrity relationships go, thought it would be OK to print (I am sure they will divorce at some point, right?) Have a GREAT Thursday!! L-U-V,
After a Christmas holiday haitus, a Palm Springs vacation, and yet again working through the anxieties of going back to my classroom on a daily basis, I'm back! It's a pleasure to be here.
Do I need to know who Tim and Faith are?
Oops.....that's hiatus. I'm also proud of my spelling. Typing, however, is a different story.
Welcome Back Mr. D.! You know, I went to bed feeling like I was a bit harsh on all the fine readers that stop in here, but I am HAPPY that everyone is checking in! No, you don't need to know who Tim and Faith are (I wish I didn't either, although one of my FAVORITE songs is a Faith Hill song..) Basically, they are country's reigning couple and their marriage is on the skids (allegedly). How was Palm Springs? How's everthing else? I will be in Chicago in Feb - we will have to get together! Have a GREAT day!
Of course everyone is still reading your blog as part of their daily routine. How could they not get their daily dose of scoop? Sorry to hear you are having a crummy week.... two more days to the weekend. Hope it gets better. I'd start spouting my political views but I think it would take too much space on your blog.
I'll only say Barack Obama 2008!!
See you soon. Patrick
Hey Mr. P!
Thanks for "checking in," although something told me you were still a regular reader (i.e., the email you sent me). THANKS! I, as well as the others I know who read the blog, would agree 100% with you on Obama. Especially because many of them reside in the Chicago area! (David, who doesn't reside in Chicago, or read the blog, is a HUGE Obama fan and even went to his book signing recently in Phoenix.) "We" would LOVE to hear your political views (simply because you are so smart). Yes, tomorrow is Friday and it couldn't have come fast enough this week...My attitude WILL improve but THANKS again for "stopping in!" AND, I hope your flu has passed!
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