Six Degrees of "Kev"

Here's wishing you a TERRIFIC Saturday. Weather conditions in Atlanta are warm and sunny! Simply perfect. It's not at all alarming that we are wearing sun block in January. I am sure those polar ice caps are F-I-N-E, fine... (Tomorrow I am going to a poolside clam bake.)
We hope that whoever you are, and wherever you are, that you enjoy your day.
Since we (me) have received zero feedback regarding the "style" of the blog (i.e., background color, font, layout, etc...) we have decided to leave it "as is" for now, because, well, we don't think you care that much AND to make changes would require a lot of work that we just don't feel up to doing right now.
BUT, we are still looking to change the header, "Kev's Corner," to something that will really "grab" you (since I can't grab each and every one of you personally). We are also STILL considering tee-shirts, but need to know if you would in fact wear one. You know, while you're cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, "sealing the deal" on a new corporate account, robbing a liquor store, being intimate with your sig-ot (we don't care where you wear it).
We mentioned in a previous post to "kindly boycott the circus," and we meant all four of those words (and provided you with P.E.T.A.'s rap sheet of reasons why). I secretly rejoice every time I hear of an elephant stampeding the "bearded lady" or when a tiger devours the head of the man on stilts. Not only are circus conditions and training practices cruel, the life provided for these animals is unnatural. I don't need to see a bear donning a vest and pork pie hat riding a unicycle. Instead, like "Kev," support "Cirque du Solei," or as we call it, "Cirque du So Gay." "Corteo" is now in Atlanta (through January 28th), so check that out (like "Kev" will be doing) instead of those darn Ringling people.
I know you are all vested in "Kev's" life-long Stevie Nicks obsession (since I received about 3 comments that stated basically, "enough already") so I won't launch another full-scale "countdown to Stevie," BUT will simply mention that "Kev" has 4th row center seats to see Stevie Nicks in Tampa, Florida in February! Excited? Of course. I mentioned this to some folks last night (which I really need to STOP doing, by the way... They equate it with Scientology and dismiss me most often) and was asked if Stevie was still alive and if she still had that "God-awful hair."
Finally, I am bursting at the seams to share news of last evening while out with friends... While I can't divulge EVERYTHING, I can tell you that "Kev," courtesy of friend June, and "E," has met some folks over the years who work for an international Cable News Network agency whose world headquarters are here in Atlanta (can I make this ANY clearer?). They are a small group of tight-nit friends who have known each other and worked together for years and I feel quite honored to be included in this "exclusive" circle every 6 months or so. I typically never ask about their jobs and treat them just like the schmucks I typically socialize with (many of you as a matter of fact). (Although, one time, at one of their homes, I made a "b-line" to their "Emmy" and held it throughout the night...) Normally, "Kev" is not phased by money, celebrity, fame, etc... OK, I can't even type that with a straight face. You saw right through me that time, right? I am TOTALLY all about this kind of stuff. It's FUN! Anyway, (I am getting to the good part now) "Kev" met someone last night who has met and interviewed some of the very "HOT Guys" featured here at the Corner. Andy Roddick. Interviewed him. Freddie Llungberg (remember him, in his "Calvins?" HOT). Interviewed him. Tiger Woods. (OK, he hasn't been featured here, but that is COOL.) Interviewed him too. And finally, the "HOT Guy" of all "HOT Guys" (at least in "Kev's" head) DAVID BECKHAM! I lost all composure at that point and rapidly fired questions starting with "Can I meet him?" "Can you get me an article of his clothing?" "How solid is the relationship with Posh Spice?" "Think he'd "turn?" You get the gist... If this were like "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon," than I would say I am linked to David Beckham!
Yes, I am an anglophile.

OK kids, we're off to enjoy the day.

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